Jean Guacide, in local legend


Last November, Jean Guacide became, in Paris, the seventh high-ranking man in Martinican judo to obtain his 6th Dan. A look back at the career of the multiple champion who dedicated his life to judo.

Jean Guacide began in the discipline at the Judo club of Schœlcher, after having been trained by his two teachers: Roger Boisson and Taylor Jean-Baptiste.

At each step of passing grades, his determination is rewarded. In 1979, he obtained the 1st dan black belt. Two years later (1981), he acquired the 2nd. A rank that will be followed by a third distinction in 1984. The 4th Dan will be awarded to him in 1987 and the 5th in 1990. The 6th Dan, the one that allows him to enter the…

France-Antilles Martinique
489 mots – 17.05.2022


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