Judo state sports festival of the schools: A boy from Holten goes to the state finals of the school championships

(JTH) May 26th, 2022 – Last Wednesday, two judoka from Holten competed with the school team of the Josef-Albers-Gymnasium in Bottrop at the judo regional championship in Münster. The JAG fighters of the U18s qualified with their performance for the state finals of the schools in Duisburg in June – with the “Holtener Junge” Lennart Hagenguth among them.

At the state sports festival for schools in the Münster administrative district, seven schools with eleven teams in competition classes II and III (U18 and U15) met last Wednesday in the Dieter-Renz-Halle in Bottrop to determine the best male and female judo school teams. Also present were the Holten judoka Linus Gertzen and Lennart Hagenguth, who attend the Josef-Albers-Gymnasium in Bottrop.

State sports festival of the schools in the administrative district of Münster with participation from Holten

In WK III, the U15, Linus Gertzen +55 kg from Holten was the only judoka from his school to start. Gertzen won his first fight after a short fight after O-goshi with Ippon. In the encounter that followed, he met a physically clearly superior opponent in the weight class, which was open at the top. Despite a well-developed waza-ari lead, he lost that fight ippon to an attack from his opponent. Since Gertzen had competed in the double KO system, there was no more chance for him to prove his skills that day.

Holtener Lennart Hagenguth goes to the state final with the Bottrop school team

With three judokas from JC 66 Bottrop, Lennart Hagenguth -52 kg then competed in WK II (U18), another Holtener for the Josef-Albers-Gymnasium. Nervous after the long break in competition, he lost his first encounter after three shido. However, the pool system gave him another fight and an opportunity for rehabilitation. They succeeded: Hagenguth won after eleven seconds after Ko-uchi-maki-komi with ippon. Since everyone in this constellation had beaten everyone else once, the next round went to decisive battles, which were held in golden score mode.

Decision in Golden Score Finals

There Hagenguth met his first opponent again. This time, however, the man from Holten prevailed again after just under a minute of fighting after Ko-uchi-maki-komi with Ippon. Hagenguth won the second decisive fight without a fight after his opponent withdrew. Hagenguth thus achieved first place in this weight class. Since Marlon Fischer, Philipp Vrchoticky and Tim Sturm also won their fights or without a fight, the school team of the Josef-Albers-Gymnasium is the school sports champion in WK II and will compete in the state finals of the schools in Duisburg on June 14th. More information about the club on the Homepage and up Facebook.

The school team of the Josef-Albers-Gymnasium from Bottrop qualified in WK II for the state finals of the schools in Duisburg - with Lennart Hagenguth (right) from the judo team Holten.  (Photo: Judo Team Holten)

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