Lignano, green light for the National Integrated Sport Games – Northeast24

LIGNANO SABBIADORO – Twenty regions of Italy and almost half a thousand participants. They are the exhilarating numbers of gods National Integrated Sport Games. The event is scheduled for the weekend of 20, 21 and 22 May in Lignano Sabbiadoro, alBella Italia Efa Village Sport & Family, and arrives as the winning epilogue of the “Change the Time” Project, promoted and managed by CSEN – National Educational Sports Center, with the contribution of the Ministry of Labor and Social Policies – Fund for the Reform of the Third Sector Annuity 2019.

The menu at the base of the project, since its inception, has been rich and structured. A range of winning proposals enhanced by a training course for primary school teachers, integrated sports workshops, expressive activities and a school-work alternation course to raise awareness of high school students in the local and national territory. All aimed at a clear and concrete objective: to inaugurate the “Integrated Sport Center” in every region: a space for culture, social gathering, training and the practice of integrated sport. After a hard three years, made harsh by the looming pandemic, the long-awaited moment of celebration has therefore arrived.

In Lignano Sabbiadoro hundreds of athletes and tutors from all over Italy will meet for an experiential three days destined to remain in the memories of each participant. The arrival of the delegations in the resort, which can boast 3 km of private beach, 5 swimming pools and a sports hall entirely reserved for participants, is scheduled for Friday at 2 pm. Sports activities will start on the following day. On the program there are torball competitions, sitting volleyball, Paralympic hockey, karate and martial arts, baskin and of course the long-awaited integrated football, flagship of CSEN activities, after the recent national success of the Caravan which in 2019 has traveled extensively and across Italy. In the splendid bathing establishments of Lignano, there will also be diving and swimming activities, integrated dance, yoga and baseball proposals and archery. All accompanied by music and many collateral entertainment initiatives. “With integrated sport we want to beat racism, hatred, discrimination against another that we consider different – in the words of Andrea Bruni, National Project Manager – to do this we have set up an innovative and updated idea of ​​sport, where the focus must be on the athlete and not on the result at any cost. With Cambia il Tempo, CSEN is committed to generating places of human relations and aggregation capable of contributing to providing concrete answers to the social questions that our time poses to us “. Lignano will confirm its tourist inclination for three days of unprecedented sport, inclusion and friendship – the message of Giuliano Clinori, organizer of the event in Friuli – the almost 500 presences charge us with responsibility and make us proud for being able to involve a authentic army of participants arriving from all over Italy. Friuli is ready to welcome them with open arms to give way to a new imprint of change ».


20-22 MAGGIO 2022

BELLA ITALIA Efa Village Sport & Family

Viale Centrale 29, Lignano Sabbiadoro, (UD)

FRIDAY 20 MAY 2022

2-6 pm: ARRIVAL OF THE REGIONAL DELEGATIONS, check-in and accommodation in the room

6 pm-7pm: Palazzetto dello Sport: start of the event, institutional greetings

20–21.30: Dinner

9.30pm – 11pm: Music and entertainment


09.30: Start of sports activities

Ore 10–11.30

• Football Field: Integrated Football Match

Piedmont Region, Abruzzo Region; Calabria Region

Contact persons Gianluca Carcangiu, Agostino Toppi, Paola Caruso

• Gym: Torball match

Tuscany region

Contact person Marco Peruzzi

Ore 11.30-13

• Volleyball court: Sitting Volleyball match

Tuscany Region, Emilia Romagna Region

Contact persons Marco Peruzzi, Antonio Tasco Pompilio

• Soccer Field: Paralympic Hockey Demonstrations

Basilicata Region

Contact persons Angelo La Carpia


Ore 14.30–16

• Gym: Karate and Martial Arts demonstrations

Friuli VG Region, Lombardy Region, Campania Region, Lazio Region,

Referents Giuliano Clinori, Rolando Gaido, Emiliano Ambrosino, Marco De Astis

• Basketball Court: Baskin match and demonstrations

Valle D’Aosta Region, Umbria Region

Contact persons Gianfranco Nogara, Silvia Cimei

Ore 16–17.30

• Pool: Diving and Swimming Activities

Veneto Region, Campania Region

Contact persons Giacinto Corvaglia, Emiliano Ambrosino

• Gym: Integrated Dance Activities

Puglia Region, Emilia Romagna Region

Contact persons Vito Attorre, Antonio Tasco Pompilio

Ore 17.30–19

• Archery Field: Archery demonstrations

Sardinia Region

References Chicca Corgiolu

• Soccer Field: Integrated Baseball demonstration

Liguria Region

Contact person Christian Ferrari

Ore 18–19.30

• Gym: Integrated YOGA demonstration

Marche region

Contact person Andrea Liberatore

20–21.30: DINNER


SUNDAY 22 MAY 2022

09.30: Start of activities

10-12: Sports Palace: Closing of the event, institutional greetings, delivery of plates of the REGIONAL INTEGRATED SPORT CENTER


– check-out and return to their respective locations

For further information on the project:



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