Outstanding Achievements – Bürstadt – News and Information

Bürstadt. Due to the large number of participants, the second nationwide U16 screening tournament of the German Judo Federation took place in Munich-Großhadern on two consecutive days at the weekend. For the participants from the 1st Judo Club in Bürstadt Katharina Keltjens, Florian Ruckteschler and Dimitar Atanassov, this was another opportunity to compete with the best judoka in their age group from all over Germany under the eyes of the national coach.

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Katharina Keltjens started in her weight class up to 48 kilograms. With 19 participants, she again met a large and strong field of participants. As usual, she went into the first fight against Krutsch from Baden-Württemberg. After a good performance, she was able to secure victory on the floor with a hold. In the second fight against Kaiser from North Rhine-Westphalia, she had to give up after an action on the ground by her opponent after a balanced standing fight. So the fight for the medals continued for them via the detour of the consolation round.

Third place for Keltjens

After two more victories with their special technique in the floor against Rosinke and Saenz from Berlin, it was time to fight for third place in the small final. In this fight she was able to improve again and showed a strong performance against Hoeps from North Rhine-Westphalia. After a grab on the floor, she left the mat as the clear winner, taking third place and securing the bronze medal. Katharina has now achieved the second medal this year with bronze at her second start at a sighting tournament after silver and further expanded her great balance.

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In the weight class up to 50 kilograms, Florian Ruckteschler started with 17 other fighters from all over Germany for the 1st Judo Club Bürstadt. Florian clearly won his first fight against Islammov from Baden-Württemberg after a foot technique and subsequent lever. He continued against Rekk from Bavaria and Coric from Baden-Württemberg. Here Florian was able to actively and tactically shape his fights with a dominant grip and thus win both fights by penalizing the opponents. In the semifinals he had to compete against Gorbatchev, also from Baden-Württemberg. The fight was balanced for a long time, and neither of the two was able to set any decisive accents. Towards the end of the fight, however, Florian got a stranglehold on the ground and had to give up. For him, too, it meant going into the small final and fighting for bronze.

After the normal fighting time, neither he nor his opponent Melkonyan from Bavaria could prevail, and the decision in the golden score was made by a hold by Florian. Thus, he was also able to secure the bronze medal and book his first medal at a sighting tournament.

Atanassov shines too

The third and youngest entrant, Dimitar Atanassov, had a different goal for the tournament. For him, as the youngest in his age group, the focus was on gaining competition experience at this level. Dimitar started in the weight class up to 55 kilograms. He was able to win his first fight against Kondakov from Saxony with a counter technique. After that he had to admit defeat to his other two opponents Feldbusch (Thuringia) and Todi (Baden-Württemberg). Here, Dimitar showed good performance and continued improving form in his fights. Trainer Nadine Müller was correspondingly proud and satisfied, who was able to place the two judoka Florian Ruckteschler and Katharina Keltjens on the podium a total of three times at a sighting tournament in 2022 thanks to active support during the competitions and great preparation. But it was not only a successful weekend from a sporting point of view, because in addition to the important and strenuous course of the tournament, the focus was also on the club community, which was promoted by mutual exchanges in the evening. red

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