Red Star: takeover candidate, Gerard Piqué shares a video of supporters hostile to 777 Partners

The Red Star Bauer collective, opposed to the sale of the club to the American investment fund 777 Partners, continues to multiply the actions. After the leaflets at the entrance to the stadium, the open letters, the smoke bombs against Sète (which stopped the match), the classified ad in Le Parisien and Le Bon Coin, the gathering in front of the Olympic bar on the evening of the match against Sedan behind closed doors, the Rino Della Negra tribune published a video on social networks, mixing archive and current images of the stadium and the supporters, punctuated by several messages like “sincere and serious investor expected, really serious huh” or “Red Star is not a commodity”.

This video has been viewed over 144,000 times and shared hundreds of times. Among the retweets, that of Gerard Pique was particularly noticed. With more than 20 million subscribers on his Twitter account, his sharing necessarily boosted the video. The central defender of Barcelona had revealed at the end of last week that he had tried to buy the Red Star via his company Kosmos, owner in particular of the Davis Cup of tennis and the club of FC Andorra (D3).

Piqué was accompanied in his project by other French entrepreneurs. He had himself gone to the Paris region in March to visit the Bauer stadium, the Marville training center and had met President Patrice Haddad. He even made him an offer but the president of Red Star favored that of 777 Partners with whom he had already been negotiating for several months.

“We proved with this announcement that people are interested in buying the club”

Gerard Pique’s position is inevitably followed with great interest by the Red Star Bauer collective. The supporters were even contacted by other investors after their various actions.

“We proved with this announcement that people are interested in buying the club, explains Vincent Chutet-Mezence, the leader of the Rino Della Negra platform. Gerard Pique expressed interest in public and two credible and well-known people contacted us privately following our announcement. They were invited to speak in public. We don’t have to take sides with this or that buyer but one thing is certain, we don’t want 777 Partners. We want the Red Star to put a brake on negotiations with 777 Partners, to impose a moratorium, to block the sale for the moment and to study all the offers. We are not in a hurry, there are people with funds who are ready to invest. The goal is to choose what would be best for Red Star in order to keep our values ​​and ensure the sustainability of the club. »

Vincent Chutet-Mezence calls for a broad consultation and in particular the municipality of Saint-Ouen. “Our proposal, I hope, can only resonate with the city,” he adds. We consider that the Red Star is not just the small property of Patrice Haddad, it is above all an institution, an Audonian heritage even if Patrice Haddad will have the last word because he is the owner. It’s important to consult all the people involved in the life of the club: the supporters, the city, the club’s employees, the educators… We can’t sweep that away in three weeks of muffled negotiations between lawyer and owner. There is a real danger with 777 Partners. »

The collective does not want to release the pressure

The Red Star has until June 15 to finalize the sale. Until then, the Red Star Bauer collective does not want to release the pressure. As against Sedan, fans should still be deprived of the stadium this Friday against Concarneau on the last day of National. The Red Star will indeed be heard again this Tuesday by the disciplinary committee. She should, according to our information, inflict a second game suspension behind closed doors, with another suspended.

Regarding the match stopped against Sète, it should be given as a winner to the Sète who were leading 1-0 at the time of the final interruption. A result that will impact the fight for maintenance between Sète and Bastia-Borgo who face each other on Friday in Corsica.


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