Sport and culture in Haut-Allier for security guard students at La Chartreuse-Paradis high school

This Tuesday morning, the 16 students of CAP security officer, accompanied by three of their teachers, met at La Chartreuse-Paradis high school to leave by mini-bus towards the Haut-Allier valley.

High school students will be able to discover thrills with a rafting descent, a multi-activity raid (canoeing, orientation, archery, etc.) and a pendulum jump for the more adventurous. This camp in the middle of nature is also an opportunity for students to be independent and organized to set up their camp or even manage meals. And to combine culture with this program, they can visit the Resistance Museum, participate in an escape game in English and enjoy an evening on the theme of Ireland.

Future security guards will also have the chance to visit the Langeac rescue center, which will echo their training in personal rescue.

According to the teachers, “these three days outside are a very good practical exercise for the pupils: it confronts them with situations where self-control, rigor and mutual aid are required. It is an experience that will also give them a lot of self-confidence and value their efforts. »


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