The I Spanish Junior-Senior Mixed Team Cup held in Binéfar closes with a high level of judo

Two judokas during the fight in Binéfar.

The celebration at the CDM El Segalar of the I Cup of Spain for mixed junior-senior teams Villa de Binéfar judo, a pioneer in Spain, marks a milestone that will help the implementation of this type of competition in the national territory. Eight teams from different technification programs in Spain attended this first meeting, such as Navarra Technification (NAV), Madrid Technification (MAD), Catalonia Technification (CAt), Aragon Technification (ARA), Madrid High Performance Center (CAR) , Bagés i Moianes Judo Modernization Center (CJT), as well as the Euskadi (EUS) and Huesca la Magia (HLM) teams.

A moment of the fighting.

This first mixed Spanish Cup has registered a high technical level, since the participating teams are made up of national medalists – more than fifteen are absolute, junior, and cadet Spanish Champions – who carry out their activity in modernization programs and who, in turn, are part of the national teams. As the president of the Aragonese Federation of Judo and Associated Sports (FAJYDA), José Ángel Hierro, has pointed out, “the competition modality itself, in which three girls and three boys make up a common team and the result of their combats is what gives the results of the meetings, allows us to see what we have enjoyed today in Binéfar: a competition with a high degree of enthusiasm on the part of the competitors. In addition, the coaches and those responsible for the modernization centers praise this type of competition and we are going to request its implementation at a national level”.

The JJ.OO. of Tokyo meant the official status of the mixed teams and at the moment at the national level “we are making the appropriate adaptation, such as the pilot test that has been carried out today in Binéfar, to integrate the mixed teams into the official competition,” said Hierro, who highlighted “the great response of the modernization centers to this proposal”.

In addition to the competition itself, all the participants, plus the members of the modernization programs and the modernization classrooms of FAJYDA and the Government of Aragon, will share training until next Monday, May 16, in order to increase the technical level of all of them. .

The Councilor for Sports of the City Council of Binéfar – a collaborating entity in this cup -, Juan Carlos García, has shown his satisfaction at hosting this Spanish Cup in the town. He commented that the day has been “very dynamic and fun, you just have to see the faces of the judokas who are competing.” He has also highlighted the high level of the participants, some of whom compete in European events. The response of the public has been another point in favor of the event, so the councilor hoped that “the weekend ends as it has begun (on Sunday there is a grassroots judo competition), a great celebration of sport.” Juan Carlos García has transferred the congratulations to the FAJYDA “for putting on these sporting events, which Binéfar will always be open to hosting”.

José Ángel Hierro added that Binéfar has been the cradle of Aragonese judo and is being a benchmark for technification, not only for the classroom, but for the components of the CAR in Madrid. In addition, “these teams have allowed the return to the Aragonese Community of athletes that we now have in the CEAR of Valencia, in Madrid or in the national teams. He pointed out that this competition is emerging as one of the most important future national competitions on the scene, meeting the 20-30 objectives, because judo has been intrinsically a sport in which mixed team competition is a common way of doing judo”.

“The atmosphere experienced among the competitors and in the stands guarantees the continuity of this competition as well as its foreseeable official status at a national level in the coming years”, they point out from FAJYDA, which has been sponsored in this first edition of the Huesca Provincial Council -through TuHuesca-, the municipalities of Huesca, Jaca and Binéfar, as well as private sponsors -such as Ukemis, Sivha Viajes, Ribe Salat and Essimo-, and the Higher Sports Council of the Royal Spanish Judo Federation and Associated Sports.

Aragonese team

The Aragonese alignments have been composed of:

Aragon Technification Team



+63 kg

RODRIGUEZAitor+81 kg
HIDALGOSandra-52 kg
CAJALAlba-63 kg
FERRERMiguel-66 kg
ROSASEduardo-81 kg

VICENTERomanian-81 kg

Team Huesca the Magic


Mama (Binefar Judo Club)

+63 kg

CHELARUIrinel (CEAR Refejida Valencia)+81 kg
PÉREZAlejandra (Judo Club Binéfar)-52 kg
SANCHEZAlba (Binefar Judo Club)-63 kg
TERÉSHugo (Binefar Judo Club)-66 kg
GARCÍASergio (Binéfar Judo Club)-81 kg
Results: 1st DIVISIONdistribution of medals
Huesca The MagicJuan Carlos GarciaSports Councilor
Technification-MADRIDJoseph Angel IronPresident of FAJYDA
High Performance Center MadridCristina BerrocalExecutive Director and Vice President
HONOR DIVISIONdistribution of medals
Technification-CATALUÑAJuan Carlos GarciaSports Councilor
Technification-NAVARRAJavier PerezPresident of the CJB
Bagés Moianes Judo Technology CenterAntonio CantalapiedraVice President FAJYDA


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