The League | Atlético – Real Madrid: The shameful image of the Metropolitan: a father and a child from Madrid, expelled from their seats

Updated:09/05/2022 08:05h


Last night’s derby at the Wanda left an unfortunate image. In a sector of the stands, a father and his son were expelled from their seats due to the insults of the fans who sat in that area of ​​the rojiblanco stadium. The son was wearing a T-shirt Cristiano Ronaldo and the father a white team scarf. Both, as the Movistar + cameras captured, had to leave their seats escorted by private agents. of security

Between shouts and chants of “No Vikings” and “Madridistas sons of p…”, the two Real Madrid fans were taken out of there, a situation so violent that even the Atletico fans themselves confronted each other over the image they were causing, a fight that also forced the security agents to intervene.

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