The man suddenly fainted while playing badminton, and the golfer was rescued by artificial respiration – Henan News Headlines

Jimu News reporter Yao Yun

On May 2, a man in Luoyang, Henan Province suddenly fainted and fell to the ground while playing badminton. The surrounding golfers quickly performed cardiopulmonary resuscitation and artificial respiration until the ambulance arrived at the scene. On the 3rd, Mr. Zhao, a golfer who participated in the rescue, told the Jimu News reporter that the man who fainted was relatively old. At that time, he first helped to clean up the foreign objects and dentures in the man’s mouth, and then performed chest compressions and artificial respiration on him. He was recovering when the ambulance arrived.

Mr. Zhao told Jimu News that on May 2, a local badminton hall was open for free, and he invited a friend to play together that morning. During this period, he suddenly heard someone shouting “Come and save people”. He ran to the scene and saw an elderly man lying on the ground, his hands, feet and mouth were twitching. Many golfers came to hear the news, some people called the 120 emergency number, and some people knelt on the ground and performed cardiopulmonary resuscitation and other treatment measures on the fallen man. After a few minutes, the man was breathing slowly.

rescue scene

“Some golfers get bored after three sets of rescue actions, so I’ll take over to help.” Mr. Zhao told the Jimu News reporter that he had participated in first aid training before. At that time, he first cleaned the foreign objects and dentures in the man’s mouth. He was then given chest compressions and artificial respiration. More than ten minutes later, the ambulance arrived at the scene. “At that time, his breathing had recovered, and the rescue in these ten minutes was still crucial.”

Mr. Zhao said that everyone helped lift the fainted man into the ambulance and sent him to the hospital for emergency treatment. They were also relieved. He had seen the man at the stadium before, but they didn’t know each other. After being sent to the hospital, there was no contact. At present, the physical condition of the man is unclear.

On the afternoon of the 3rd, the badminton hall staff confirmed to the Jimu News reporter that a man had indeed fainted and fell to the ground in the stadium on the 2nd, and then the golfers and the stadium were rescued, but the man’s current physical condition is not yet clear.

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