The Russian coach called her a monkey. The Cuban volleyball player decided to end in Ekaterinburg

The racist incident took place in the decisive fifth game of the final series in Kaliningrad. During one of the breaks, the coach of the home Lokomotiv, Andrei Voronkov, took aside one of the players, Valeria Zajcevova, and reproached her: “Why are you still catching her? Why are you still catching the monkey?” Television cameras recorded his statement.

Seoul Olympic champion and former world champion Ogiyenko called Voronkov’s words an international scandal after the match, saying that the 54-year-old coach must apologize to Montalva. The coach has not yet commented. Kaliningrad won the match 3: 2 and won the title.

Montalv has already said goodbye to Ekaterinburg and its fans on social networks. “Thanks to Uraločka for the chance to play for such a great club, thanks to the girls for all the time together and to the fans that they always supported us. I will never forget those times. It will stay in my heart forever,” said the 21-year-old player.


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