UnipolSai Fortitudo closes the first phase against Padua

Dobboletta-nel-box- (Lauro-Bassani)

UnipolSai Fortitudo baseball will play the last round of the first phase of the 2022 Serie A championship against the newly promoted Padova. The matches between the men of Frignani and those of Ferrer Aguilar will be played on Friday 13 May at 20.30, at the ” Plebiscito ” stadium in Padua and on Saturday 14 May, at 19:00 at the ” Gianni Falchi ” in Bologna.

” The team is training well and we will take the last appointment of the first phase very seriously as, after the weekend break, the Poule Scudetto will start with three weekly matches of 7 rounds. We must, therefore, try to get physically and mentally ready for the second phase, this will be our goal for this weekend. ” These are the words of manager Frignani.

The biancoblu formation will be complete and the rotation of the pitchers will see Maurizio Andretta starting race 1 and Raul Rivero startering race 2.

Padova currently in 7 place in group B with a record of 4 games won and 8 lost. The most dangerous man in the lineup at the disposal of Ferrer Aguilar shortstop, former ParmaCLima, Juaquin Urwin Enrique Estefano with a batting average of .354, 17 valid including 4 doubles, 6 points beaten at home and 5 stolen bases. On the mountain, however, the best Paduan pitcher Fracchiola Rios Gianny Tomasso with a PGL of 1.59 in 28.1 shots thrown, 1 salvation obtained, 47 strikeouts achieved and a batting average granted to the opponents of .177.

Fortitude BC 1953 – Ufficio Stampa

Mirco Monda


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