A busy week for Epic Lo Castel and its activities

On Tuesday, the children of the recreational gym workshop demonstrated the work of the past year, at the Epic Lo Castel dojo, with their host Stéphanie.

Followed by the judo and jujitsu children who received their belts on Thursday after a demonstration at the dojo, accompanied by their teacher, Franck, black belt.

On Friday, the children of the awakening, classical and jazz dance class performed their dance gala on the West side story theme, at the people’s house with their host Célia.

Saturday, an exhibition of works of plastic arts and leisure in the art workshop of all the works carried out during the year, were exposed with the presence of Marc, animator.

And to end these activities, L’Epic lo Castel offers an 80s evening in the courtyard of the castle on Place Gabriel-Péri, this Saturday June 25. Free admission from 7 p.m.

Midi Libre correspondent: 06 52 42 67 37.


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