A sports school! The Comprehensive Institute “E. De Amicis ”concludes a year of great sporting activities

With the awareness that practicing sports not only favors the development of personal skills, improves self-esteem and autonomy, teaches how to manage anxiety and stress but also stimulates interpersonal skills, adaptation to the environment and social integration, this year the Comprehensive Institute “E. De Amicis ”, headed by the Headmaster prof. Filippo Gervasi, has dedicated particular attention to sport.
In fact, there have been many projects that have brought children closer to the various sports disciplines. The initiative “More sport … more school”, born from the idea of ​​physical education teacher Maria Assunta Milotta, assisted by teachers Andrea Pappalardo and Massimo Dipietro, to make known and practice the sports in the Enna area, involved all classes of lower secondary school. And so the students were able to approach the world of handball thanks to the collaboration with the Orlando Haenna Company and the help of the federal technician Mario Feliciotto, they practiced badminton with the regional technician Vittorio Macaluso, volleyball with Tino Pregadio of Kentron Volley and thanks to the “Scuola Attiva Junior” project all the classes alternated the practice of two sports disciplines, basketball and table tennis, followed by federal technicians Bruno Milici and Vincenzo Spampinato. Finally, joining the “Racquets in the classroom” project allowed the children of the first classes to play tennis at school with the federal coach Andrea Branciforti.
Great enthusiasm also for the exhibition, at the gym of the Garibaldi plexus, of the Murgano brothers, Italian and European champions of taekwondo, a little-known discipline that has aroused the interest of young and old.
The school’s flagship was the participation in the “Girls with cleats” project which, thanks to a memorandum of understanding with Enna Calcio and the technical skills of prof. Maria Assunta Milotta and Antonio Stanzù and the collaboration of the Enna Calcio technician Sebastiano Restivo, to form a women’s soccer team made up of about 40 girls and boys attending secondary school and primary school. IC De Amicis thus became part of the 10 schools in Sicily that promote the development of women’s football for girls aged 9 to 12.
But sports activities have also crossed the school boundaries and the pupils of the Garibaldi complex went to the Monasteri Golf Resort where, thanks to the support of the federal technician prof. Giovanni Chiaramonte and the FIG masters and delegates had the opportunity to play golf.
Even the primary school did not miss the opportunity to join the “Scuola Attiva Kids” project which allowed children to do sports with Coni technicians and the “Valori in Rete” project in which the school also participated. ‘childhood.
But that’s not all… even if almost at the end of the school year, sports activities continue until the end of June with canoeing, sailing and climbing for secondary school children and with a swimming pool for primary children.



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