Bàsquet Girona does not stop with the staging of the 3×3

Today is a week since the staff of the Girona basketball began the summer holidays after putting an apotheosis end to the season with the promotion to the ACB and celebrate it with the parade through the streets of the city, the reception in the Plaça del Vi and a party in Fontajau. At the club, however, the activity continues and not only in the offices or offices with the season ticket campaign but in the purely sporting field it has entered the scene. the 3×3 team.

Girona was a pioneer in promoting the section of this modality two years ago, becoming the first in Spain to have one. El primer equip de 3×3, format per Nacho Martín, Sergi Pino, Àlex Llorca, Xavi Guirao, Sergio de la Fuente i Javi Vega, va començar competint al circuit català ia l’espanyol amb l’objectiu d’obtenir bons resultats per tenir l option to compete in European tournaments. Two seasons after launching the project, the main goal was achieved and this weekend the 3×3 team of Girona has participated in the FIBA3x3 tournament which has taken place in Pale, Bosnia and Herzegovina. In fact, last year they already had the opportunity to compete in a pair of Europeans, although mainly the Catalans and nationals competed.

The men trained by Jaume Comas have played a good role in their debut at the European circuit of Pale, falling to the Round of 16 with a defeat to the Bosnian Istocno Novo (16-18). This time the 3×3 team was represented by the leader of the section Nacho Martín and his companions Juan Coffi, Xavi Guirao and Javi Vega. Three of them -Nacho Martín (Estudiantes), Coffi (Prat), Vega (A Coruña) – were rivals of Girona last year in LEB Or, but as they have been doing since 2020 in the summer they have to defend the shield of the Girona to continue growing the section.

The one in Bosnia and Herzegovina was the first European tournament of this 2022 one calendar that is loaded with matches. Only in July for example, there will be a state circuit in Marbella (from 1 to 2 July), Zaragoza (from 8 to 9 July), A Coruña (from 15 to 16 July), Valencia (from 14 to 16 July) and the Catalan finals in Barcelona (from 22 to 23 July). In addition, there will be a European in Estonia (July 30-31). While in August the calendar is concentrated outside with tournaments in Lithuania (August 6-7 and August 13-14), Switzerland (August 19-20) and Austria (August 20-20). August 21).

Girona’s intention is to focus its efforts on playing the national and European circuits as much as possible, without ruling out the Catalans either.



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