Club Ibón judokas participate in a concentration in Portugal | Sports

Athletes from the Ibón Huesca Club have been training in Portugal during part of Holy Week in a Stage held in Coimbra where meetings are held every so often to train athletes from different countries. On this occasion there were the Italian, Slovenian, Finnish, Portuguese and part of the Spanish team.

The trainings are carried out with the maximum health guarantees against covid-19, with the first control at the hotel doors where an antigen test is carried out, if it is negative, they are granted a room in which they are confined and a PCR is performed. The judokas will wait in their rooms without going out until the result of said test comes out, the next day, if everything goes well they already know that they will be able to train normally, but they cannot have contact with the outside, only train and be in the hotel, thus creating a security bubble.

Verónica Blanco, Alba Ramírez, Lorién Jiménez under the tutelage of their coach Raúl Poblador have enjoyed this incredible experience and although it is very hard, currently it is a luxury to be able to train relatively normally.

These meetings are of a high level since the judokas from Huesca have been able to share the tatami with athletes who are preparing for the next Olympic Games and even some who have just landed from the Grand Slam of Antalya (Turkey) such as Estrella López and Alberto Gaitero who have been silver, with the that the pupils and pupils of the club, have been able to enjoy fighting.


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