Environmental conferences in Bailo to publicize the Cielos de Ascara project

Ecological beekeeping in Cielos de Ascara. (PHOTO: Borja Duarte)

The Municipality of Bailo has organized some environmental conferences that aim to publicize the sustainable, supportive and pioneering project of Skies of Ascara, and all the potential it contains. They will talk about the recovery of native crops and organic beekeeping, among other issues. The proposal will be held next June 11 and 12, and includes conferences and outings, as well as a showcookingIn collaboration with Gardeniers.

Bailo Environmental Days Program

The program will begin on June 11, from 5:00 p.m. to 8:00 p.m. They will talk about the crops that are part of the project and the techniques used in the recovery of native legumes (boliches, chickpeas and lentils). Pyrenean rye and organic beekeeping and transhumance will also be discussed. At the end of the day, a snack has been planned at the Santa Bárbara de Bailo bar.

On June 12, the day will take place in the morning, from 9:30 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. There will be time to see the fields, the orchard and the Ascara apiary. At 1:30 p.m., Joaquín Moreno will give The Mill of Larues and showcooking.

organized by the City Council of Bailo

The sessions are organized by the City Council of Bailo and places to participate are limited. For this reason, it is necessary to register in advance at the telephone number 974 37 70 74. The sessions include travel by bus from Bailo to Ascara.

It is an activity financed 80% by the Area of ​​Promotion, Development and Environment of the Provincial Council of Huesca.



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