Forever Fit – new course program at JC Welver
Since 2009, every Thursday from 4.30 p.m., the JC Welver offers everyone
Sports enthusiasts the opportunity to get body and mind going. With
Become Forever Fit young and old, woman and man, experienced and inexperienced as well
Equally addressed to those returning to the gym, as it is a versatile strengthening and
Endurance training is important and necessary for all ages.
We carry functional, differentiated, customized and effective
Training programs by not only doing particularly effective exercises
select, but sometimes suitable small devices such as Theraband,
Insert step, weight cuff, etc.
Our muscles strengthened in this way also have better cushioning properties,
are able to absorb larger everyday loads, can for a better one
joint protection and thus improve the quality of life. Furthermore
an increase in muscle mass means an increase in basal metabolic rate and
thus reducing the body fat percentage.
A moderately executed endurance training with motivating music keeps the heart and
circuit in motion. Coordination and balance exercises stimulate the body and
spirit on.
So don’t hesitate – overcome your weaker self and get started!