Gonzalo Díaz, the Uruguayan who played in Tabaré and Verdirrojo and who acted in Garra, with Adam Sandler

Diaz, a 24-year-old forward, He trained in Malvín and played El Metro in Tabaré in 2019 and in Verdirrojo in 2020.

at the beginning of years he was playing in Mallorca, in the EBA League, the fourth division of basketball in Spain when his coach sent him an email informing him that he was going to do un casting in town for a movie shoot.

“I went to the casting and I ended up staying“, the basketball player told Pica la Naranja, which is broadcast on AM 970.

“As soon as I started, we began to train a sequence of plays for the film. Adam and Juancho were not there until the first day of shooting,” he said.

Juancho Hernangomez is the 2.06 meter Spanish power forward for Utah Jazz who made his acting debut in the movie playing the lead, Bo Cruz.

“The scenes were shot from dawn until 6 AM, It was very exhausting for everyone, even for the neighbors who complained about the noise we made. I don’t know how many seconds I appeared, but we recorded it 50 times the scene where i fall You don’t know how I was. The whole movement was incredible: tents, trucks… I never imagined being there, “she said.

“I was always a fan of Adam, since I was a child I saw all his movies, I couldn’t believe that he was with us. The first day I saw him I came out saying ‘I’m from Uruguay’ and I asked him for a photo, but he said no, because the covid because it was very persecuted. After that, two more days of filming followed. On the second day Juancho appeared, quite macanudo, he spoke in Spanish of course and was quite present playing and messing with us, “explained Díaz.

The Uruguayan told a funny anecdote he had with the NBA, world champion in China 2019: In the movie, I have an exchange with him when he picks me up after they throw me in the street match. He says in Spanish: ‘I take it’ and I, before filming, told him: ‘Look, in Uruguay that means something else’ and he laughed at first. But during the filming, he began to get stuck and instead of saying ‘I’ll take it’ he would say ‘I defend it’, until he got frustrated and said ‘no way, nobody is going to have it in Uruguay, it’s my film and I say what I want'”.

“With Adam at the end the photo came out, we talked, I told him I was from Uruguay and he told me he couldn’t believe he was from Uruguay, he asked me if my whole family was from there. Then he played music between the scenes, he shot He interacted with people It’s very macanudo, just like what you see in the movies, a crack”Diaz said.

Asked about the exact moment in which he appears in the film, Díaz replied: “I am at the game that Adam is going to see in Spain, he accidentally finds him at the game and we are playing four players in a street game. They film me in a couple of scenes , in a couple of layup doubles that I put in, which appear fast. Then I am defending the best of the opposing team, who was very good and kind of paints my face and when I fall Juancho comes and picks me up. ‘I defend him, I’ll take it,’ he said at last. I appear in those three parts. It’s a little bit.”

“It pays well, maybe Adam Sandler could have played it a little more. Taking into account all the times I fell, it could have been a little more,” the Uruguayan player laughed.

Díaz returned two and a half months ago from Spain, but decided to pause his basketball career: “Now I’m quite far away, four months ago I stopped playing, I took a break that I don’t know if it will be forever, I decided that, I had enough time to think about it. I’m going to see if there is any desire to play, I don’t rule it out , but I prioritized my headwhich was good for me, because basketball wasn’t doing me good and I decided to get away a bit”.


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