He hears noises in the closed bar and finds a thief: an arrest in Taranto

NoonJune 27, 2022 – 2:21 pm

The accomplice is sought, even if the man says he acted alone: ​​400 euros that were in the cash register and that were not found on the arrested person are missing

from Cesare Bechis

Yesterday, Sunday 26 June, for the bar located in “Tre Carrare” district it was closing day, but someone hears suspicious noises coming from inside. Contact the owner and, at the same time, call 113. Both go to the bar and await the arrival of the patrol to which they report an individual whom they had seen coming out of the room shortly before, together with his accomplice, holding some plastic bags containing products, most likely stolen from the store. The owner says he has ordered the two to stop and return the loot, but one of the two attacks him and the other runs away making him lose track. The policemen just have to check the arrested. They find them wearing a screwdriverpresumably used to force the shutter, but they do not find the 400 euros that the owner of the bar claimed to have left inside the cash register.

Accomplice hypothesis

The hypothesis that the money had been taken by the accomplice who then managed to escape. Meanwhile, the man continues to argue before the agents that he acted alone, refusing to provide his personal details. Meanwhile, in the vicinity of the bar, the policemen find a motorcycle helmet and a baseball cap, lost as a result of the struggle. According to the police, the two alleged thieves reached the place aboard a motorbike, which they had parked in the immediate vicinity. Meanwhile, the alleged thief, with various criminal records behind him, is accompanied to the offices of the Police Headquarters to be subjected to the ritual reliefs. And immediately after he was arrested for allegedly improper robbery and accompanied in Taranto prison.

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June 27, 2022 | 14:21



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