I have renewed it for the women’s basketball profession in Canada

L’idee d’une ligue féminine toute canadienne n’est pas nouvelle. Celle d’acquerir a team of the WNBA non plus. More than once they were released last week, when Drake rapped him, his name is not published, he published an ephemeral message on his Instagram account appealing to the WNBA at his implantation in Toronto.

Drake is seulement a regular in Raptors matches, he is also an ambassador for the team and entertainer in relations with many influential people in the world of basketball.

It’s exciting that someone of this stature is interested in women’s basketball. Obviously, he’s a huge Raptors fan. I’m passionate about basketball and I’m excited about basketball in Canada because I want to support the WNBA and I’m excited about Canadadit Bridget Carleton.

The 24-year-old Ontario native just wrapped up her third season in the WNBA. She took part in 32 matches, a personal high. Nevertheless, once her season ended in the United States, she packed her bags for Israel in order to finish her year.

Professional players like her have no choice but to go into exile during the WNBA off-season to keep the sidelines and receive a salary, she explains, for which an all-Canadian league would be beneficial for both players from here only for cells looking for a high-level team for a few months.

I thought that we are about to launch in Canada. People are more and more interested in basketball like Drake. There is space and the market [pour que ça arrive]. All it takes is developing a plan and finding the right people to make it happen.

« I am very optimistic. I hope it will die down before I hang up my shoes. »

A citation of Bridget Carleton, winger for the Minnesota Lynx

Her teammate Natalie Achonwa specifies that The talent is there and the love for basketball does not make Canada great. It’s just a matter of time. Whether it’s a team or a league, this is the next step. We simply kiss that someone is leading this project!

The Canadian women’s basketball team is ranked 4th in the world in 2021.

Photo: Associated Press/Eric Gay

At Basketball Canada, the optimism is also there. The director of haute performance, Denise Dignard, specifies that she speaks on this subject by the nouveau president of the federation, Mike Bartlett, with MLSE, the groupe proprietor des Raptors, and the CEBL, the Canadian men’s basketball league created in 2017 .

Basketball Canada is pursuing two options in parallel, she said.

We have the vision, yes, of having a WNBA team that inspired, that would be on TV, but there’s also the importance of being in the communities, of what we could do across Canada to really capture The energy and positivity that accompany our sport, basketballindicate-t-elle au mike from Radio-Canada.

Ms. Dignard recalled that Canada is in the fourth rank of the world class of FIBA, the international basketball federation, etc., despite being eliminated from the group stage at the Tokyo Olympics. The country has established itself as a powerhouse, but it is the only one in the world’s top six teams without female professional flirting. The United States (1st), Spain (2nd), Australia (3rd), France (5th) and Belgium (6th) in have.

A training camp to mend the bonds

The members of the Canadian basketball team are in Toronto to give their trainers under the supervision of the trainers of the national program. Basketball Canada is set to bring together 15 athletes with different levels of experience for lancers who are nouveau cycle olympique in anticipation of the Jeux de Paris in 2024.

This training camp should allow the players to have fun and spend time with each other, says Ms. Dignard, because they did not have this leisure before the Tokyo Games due to the COVID pandemic -19.

In parallel, the federation continues to mener ses recherches d’un nouvel entraîneur-chef. I hired him from Lisa Thomaidis, who was at the bar of the senior team after new years, after being renewed.

2024), and then in Los Angeles (in2028)”,”text”:”What we are looking for is someone who will be able to get a medal in Paris (in 2024), and then in Los Angeles (in 2028)”}}”>What we are looking for is someone who will be able to get a medal in Paris [en 2024]and ensuite to Los Angeles [en 2028]indicate Denise Dignard.

A possible Olympic medal could also add weight to the project of a professional league in Canada.

I think that would help a lot because there’s attention that goes out when people win Olympic medals, so we hope that, but we also hope that in the next three years we can really get more traction. .



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