In Taulé, judoka Yanis Bertevas wins the 2022 Shin Ghi Taï trophy – Taulé

The long-awaited end of the season for the new judo club, the Dentõ Judo Taulé, took place on Tuesday, June 21, at the Patro. Parents, children and friends were all present at this convivial ceremony. This was an opportunity to reward the club’s young licensees who, each quarter, are graded on knowledge of Japanese terms, but also on throwing techniques, immobilizations, and turning techniques. The shiaï (interclubs) was also taken into account. With a score of 38/40, Yanis Bertevas won the 2022 Shin Ghi Taï trophy, followed by Tilio Paugam and Alan Joncour. For the second group, the results are as follows: 1. Timoté Wormser-Verdy, 2. Hermione Lebas and 3. Jules Collet. The awards were presented by Frédérick Le Roux, president, assisted by Nicolas Claveau, Jean-Paul Le Gall and Bérangère Oreb, members of the board.

Sound finances

The general assembly, which followed the presentation of the awards, revealed a healthy financial balance sheet. The club has 26 members (17 children and nine adults). At the end of the meeting, the office remains unchanged.

Classes will resume in September.


Contact and information Frédérick Le Roux, by tel. 06 76 90 54 61; email: [email protected]


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