League and other multi-mode popularization of campus football Gongshu District established a “campus football club”-Hangzhou News Center-Hangzhou Net

League and other multi-mode popularization of campus football Gongshu District established a “campus football club”

Hangzhou Net Release time: 2022-06-30 07:14

Hangzhou Daily News A few days ago, the campus football meeting in Gongshu District, Hangzhou was held at Changyang Primary School. In order to promote the “Campus Football Development Plan” and build a regional student sports brand, Gongshu District will use the campus football club as a carrier to promote the establishment of a new model of “1241” regional campus football.

The reporter learned that the model specifically includes promoting a high-quality campus football event “Canal Cup”, standardizing the implementation of the three-level league mechanism of class, grade and school level; establishing online “class treasures” and offline “football exchange circles”2 A resource sharing platform, sharing teachers, venues, culture, and courses, forming a strong campus football atmosphere; innovating four major football talent training mechanisms: “player rankings”, “point promotion system”, “star development plan” and “echelon construction system” , to provide a platform and channel for children’s football growth; to create a regional sports brand project “Gongshu District Campus Football Club” to expand the popularity and participation of campus football.

“Our wish is to make every child fall in love with sports and embrace a bright future. In recent years, Gongshu Education has taken campus football as a breakthrough in the development of campus sports, carefully created a football atmosphere, cultivated football culture, and made the campus a place for cultivating football talents. Fertile soil.” Liu Zhihua, deputy director of Gongshu District Education Bureau, introduced that in the future, Gongshu District will also successively establish sports clubs such as “Campus Basketball Club” and “Campus Badminton Club”. It is a campus sports event, which deeply rooted the concept of “sports educating people, competition nurturing talents”, and created a model of campus sports.

Source: Hangzhou Daily Author: Correspondent Shen Xingkai Reporter Wang Houming Editor: Wang Hao


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