“Ortezzano in colori”, the creations of the laboratory for children ‘illuminate’ the town

ORTEZZANO – Those who want to admire the colors of the emotions of all the participants in the workshop just have to go to Ortezzano where they will be exhibited until tomorrow

The mayor of Ortezzano, Carla Piermarini

from Antonietta Vitali

Joy is yellow, calm is green, sadness is blue, anger is fiery red, fear is black. Distinguishing emotions is not always an easy affair, especially if children have to try to do it. So why not learn to recognize them by combining them with colors? This is what the children who participated in the workshop “There is always a special place” organized by the Municipality of Ortezzano, by the New Research Agency Res, under the patronage of the Unicef-provincial delegation of Fermo, did on Saturday 11 June in Ortezzano.

Ortezzano in color, this is the title of the presentation on the poster of the event organized by the Centro Giovani Murales, a youth group born with the “Resiliamoci” project designed for the minors of the municipalities that are part of the crater of the 2016 earthquake with the aim of producing educational activities in these areas affected by the earthquake. After the mural project, for this 2022, the educational activity designed for the little ones involved the creation of this workshop during which the children first participated in the shared reading of the book by Cristina Bartoli “My special place” and then, over the course of the event day, they really covered the squares with colorful designs. For each child a human shape (representing themselves) to be made on a large white sheet and inside which to insert the colors corresponding to their personal emotions. But not only that, because in accordance with the name conceived for the laboratory “There is always a special place”, to be dressed in a thousand colors were also, for children, the drawings of the place of the heart to choose from among the streets, squares, monuments, houses, etc. of Ortezzano. The choices of the little artists to indicate their favorite places are really surprising, churches have taken color on paper and sheets, like the most important one the Church of San Girolamo, but also places of interest such as the Tre Cannelle Fountain which has even become a model made in miniature.

Archery and arrow exercises under the watchful and attentive eye of the Arcieri Azzolino group from Grottazzolina, a final snack and the event in the event that really ignited souls and adrenaline, a treasure hunt whose name it was “Find Our Special Place”. Among streets, alleys and squares, the children carefully followed clues made of drawings, sculptures, games, up to the last indication that led to the solution that was itself a treasure, an original story, that of “Il Cavaliere Sole “, Written and illustrated by the children of the Murales group, located at the Porta da Sole. The activities of the workshop led by the talented Deborah, who is not confined to the Ortezzanese borders but who also wants to welcome children from neighboring municipalities and who is open to the age ranging from primary school to adulthood, will conclude this activity on July 20 and then resume with other ideas. The older children who will participate, as has already happened for this edition, have the task of watching over the little ones while for those who want to admire the colors of the emotions of all the participants in the workshop, all that remains is to go to Ortezzano where they will be exhibited until June 15. .


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