Real Madrid in turn demand an explanation after the Stade de France disaster

It was the last voice that was missing after the disastrous evening of the Champions League final enamelled with numerous incidents and malfunctions before and after the meeting Real Madrid – Liverpool (1-0). For a long time, only recriminations from the English side (officials and supporters) were heard. But now, Real Madrid has decided in turn to demand accountability via an official press release published this Friday morning:

“In view of the unfortunate events that took place on May 28 in the vicinity of the Stade de France, including inside the stadium itself, Real Madrid CF would like to make the following statements in defense of our supporters who were victims of these events , writes the club merengue.

We want to know what are the reasons that motivated the designation of the venue for the final and what criteria were taken into consideration given what we experienced that day.

We are also asking for answers and explanations to determine who is responsible for leaving fans unguarded and helpless. Supporters whose general behavior has been exemplary at all times. »

We understand that what should have been a big football party for all the fans who attended the game turned into unfortunate events that caused deep outrage around the world.

As revealing media footage showed, many supporters were attacked, harassed, assaulted and violently robbed. These events also took place while they were traveling by car or bus, fearing for their physical integrity. Some of them even had to spend the night in the hospital because of their injuries. »

And the Madrid club concludes: “Football has given the world an image far removed from the values ​​and objectives it should always pursue. Our fans and supporters deserve an answer and that the responsibilities are taken so that situations like the ones experienced are eradicated from football and sport forever. »

The official version of the French authorities, stigmatizing only the English fans who would have rushed in excess and with fake tickets in shambles, clearly did not convince on the side of Madrid either.


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