This 17-year-old online game features singing, dancing, rap and basketball_ _ Home

Just some time ago, “Street Basketball” officially announced a joint project with “Kuroko’s Basketball”. In addition to a series of game activities and benefits due to each game linkage, the two protagonists Heizizhe and Vulcan will also join the streetball arena as special characters.

For this linkage, I believe most players are not expected. After all, one side is the most successful commercial basketball animation in recent years, while the other side is an older online game that has gone through 17 years. However, although it has faded out of the general public’s field of vision, it is exactly the same as the online games such as “Legend” and “Magic Baby”.

The 770,000 followers of Tieba seem to be telling the glory of this game

glorious years

In the eyes of many players, “Street Basketball” is a “century” game work, both in the past and now.

Since the birth of “Street Basketball”, it has the title of “the world’s first multiplayer basketball online game”. After the public beta of Hanbok in 2004, “Street Basketball” was enthusiastically sought after by countless players, and the number of online users once reached 80,000. In 2005, when the national service public beta was launched, it set a record of 200,000 simultaneous online games, becoming the first popular sports online game in China.

Although it seems now that 200,000 simultaneous online users are not worth mentioning in the face of the record of millions, but at the beginning of the century when the Internet was not developed and online games were just emerging, six-digit numbers The fact that players can flock to the same game at the same time is undoubtedly a legend.

nomad star

In the era of casual online games, even in the face of extremely strong opponents such as “Running Kart” and “Audience”, this work can firmly occupy a place in the fiercely competitive market.

In a sense, the charm of “Street Basketball” stems from the perfect presentation of the two fashionable cultures of Hip-Hop and basketball at that time by developer JCE (JoyCity Entertainment).

At the turn of the century, Hip-Hop, which was a smash hit in the United States, crossed the ocean to the land on the other side of the ocean, and became popular in China with Jay Chou’s “Nuncle”. At the same time, a big man named Yao Ming also traveled across the ocean to the birthplace of Hip-Hop and entered the highest hall of basketball players, attracting a large number of teenagers to pay attention to basketball.

nomad star

Therefore, in the eyes of teenagers at that time, basketball (especially streetball) and Hip-Hop are undoubtedly the representatives of trend and fashion.

Today, it seems that many players are attracted by the game’s cartoon-like art style like “Jet Set Radio” (“Street Graffiti”), as well as strong Hip-Hop elements and street basketball gimmicks.

Specifically, “singing and dancing, rap, and basketball” that people have often talked about in recent years have been implemented in this game as early as 2004. In many game details, players can also clearly see that the developers have injected streetball and hip-hop elements into all aspects of the game.

For example, the graffiti can be seen everywhere around the stadium, and the hall music with DJ and rap style. In the game, players can also use Free style and character skills to achieve cool and exaggerated fancy dribbling, layups, dunks in real streetball duels, and even celebrations and provocations in Hip hoop.

nomad star

Another reason why “Street Basketball” is so popular is its own game advantage.

Even now, compared to other basketball simulation games, the most notable feature of “Street Basketball” is the refreshing pace of the game. The game’s 4-minute, one-game mode is still in line with the fragmented game habits of many players to this day.

In addition, the operation logic of “Street Basketball” is simple and clear, and gives players full freedom of operation. It does not have the complex judgment mechanism of basketball simulation games such as “NBA 2K”, does not have too many movement and passing requirements, and does not have too many additional rules, everything is based on freedom. All the player has to do is hold down the arrow keys to manipulate the character, and then find a way to send the ball into the basket.

nomad star

People often say “Basketball is a five-player sport”, and “Street Basketball” is a three-player game — a game that showcases teamwork to the fullest. The game divides each role according to the rules of the basketball game. The roles of SG (shooting guard), PG (point guard), SF (small forward) and other roles in different positions have different ability values ​​and skill systems. A game often requires players from different positions to cooperate with each other to win.

At that time, after making mistakes, players would often type a word “wode” with pinyin letters under the gank of the input method to apologize. This sentence is also deeply engraved in the memory of countless old players along with the “kale” of the Tucao server, which is used to ridicule “laji pg” and “120”.

nomad star

However, as a multiplayer competitive online game, although the operation is simple, the technical requirements of “Street Basketball” for players are not low. In other words, the game still has a decent competitive nature. For example, “Second Board”, as long as the character’s ability to grab the board is enough, he can grab the rebound the moment the basketball bounces off the frame. Although this sounds simple, in a chaotic court, players need to make accurate predictions and reactions, and 0.1s of hesitation is likely to be the key to affecting the outcome.

For more information, please follow:Street Basketball Zone

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