3vs3 Summer Edition, Genovese: “Positive results, let’s rekindle the passion for the ball in wedges”

Last weekend the “Basket 3vs3 Summer Edition“. An event that brought together young people and many fans. It was a sort of return to the past, when summer tournaments abounded. In the Mercatone parking lot, the first summer event linked to basketball was staged. It hadn’t happened for a long time. from the Municipality of Avellino, the event saw the active collaboration of the Vito sports clubs Lepore Avellinothe DelFes and the Association New Dimension. They gave an active collaboration for the success of the event Antonello Nevola, Luigi Genovese e Marco Perrotti.

The three days was a kind of reconciliation with the wedge ball. The city and the kids who make a living from basketball needed a similar event that aggregated and amused. It was a first time for everyone and there is already the idea of ​​planning similar appointments for the future. The Basket 3vs3 Summer Edition it doesn’t have to be an isolated case. Avellino basketball, which lived through dark years, must come back to life also through these events. In the city center and especially in the suburbs, playgrounds must be set up and maintained for all lovers of the ball in wedges.

«We can draw a positive balance of the appointment, because there was a great turnout – he says Luigi Genovese, one of the organizers – we found the presence of the boys, but also of the parents of the athletes, of the professionals and of people close to basketball who, after some time, got closer ». Genovese hopes this will be a first time and not a unicum. An appointment that must be repeated and that involves the involvement of other users, perhaps also to be combined with other disciplines.

“I think this event can be a promoter for other types and not only related to basketball played – says Genovese – I hope it was useful to rekindle that dormant passion and the desire to do something for the citizen movement”. It can undoubtedly be the beginning of a summer course to which the municipal administration has also contributed. During the three days the mayor showed up Gianluca Festa and the commissioner Stefano Luongo. They both supported the demonstration.

«Palazzo di Città showed availability and sensitivity towards the initiative, they supported and supported us. I think there is a need for this collaboration and the Municipality has always shown itself to be very open to these initiatives for young people. We thank the mayor Festa, the councilor Luongo and also the director of the Mercatone, the doctor Maffeifor availability ».

The hope is to meet again next year, perhaps with starting today we can also add other collateral initiatives. “We have the desire to repeat ourselves, to call back to this sport those who have moved away in the past and there is the feeling that there may be a future”. Via social there was also the comment of Marco Perrotti. “Things are done because you believe in it” commented one of the organizers with an eye already turned to the future.


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