Former Anderlecht, Sofiane Hanni and Kara Mbodj are looking for a club: “Several clubs have called me, but not in Belgium”

So my man, how are you?” 4,200 kilometers currently separate Sofiane Hanni (in Paris) from Kara Mbodj (in Dakar), but modern technology has allowed us to bring them together for a cross-interview.

The common points between the two are numerous: they won the last title with Anderlecht, were whistled by the purple public, played for three years in Qatar and are currently without a club.

Qatar and the World Cup

Gentlemen, did you see each other often in Doha?

Hanni : “Only on the pitch, when my club Al Gharafa was playing against his, Al Sailiya. The other big names – Alderweireld, Edmilson or James Rodriguez, in terms of popularity, the number 1 in the championship – I never saw them no more.”

Kara : “It was the same in Anderlecht: we also only saw each other at work. For the rest, we are at home with the family. In Qatar, you also have to take into account the heat. It is so hot that we stay at inside. And we practice after prayers, at 5 p.m.

Hanni : “For the players, the World Cup could have taken place now, because the stadiums are air-conditioned. When it’s 45 degrees outside, it can be 18 degrees inside. But for the fans, it would have been an ordeal. In winter, the weather will be fine.”

We often talk badly about Qatar.

Kara : “It was a great experience for my family and me. It is one of the best countries in terms of safety and quality of life. It is calm and beautiful, which allowed me to have a stable life and work.”

Hanni: “Ditto for me. It’s the best place I’ve known in my career. And since it’s a Muslim country, it’s easier for us to educate our children in this environment. But I I also had a Korean, South American, Mexican and Ivorian Christian teammate: they all loved it! They were having a blast and didn’t want to leave.”

But we hear that the working conditions of the workers are atrocious.

Hanni : “I’ve always been surprised to read things like this. I tried to look at it with a closer eye. And I couldn’t see what people were complaining about. I happened to talk to these workers, We call them ‘workers’. I have one who was doing security in front of my house. I assure you that they are very happy. Their dream is to stay in Qatar! It would be a nightmare to have to return to their country. !”

We also read that sex outside marriage is prohibited during the World Cup, under penalty of a prison sentence of up to 7 years.

Hanni : “I’m not aware of this law (laughs). It was specially invented for the World Cup? I pass when I read such things.”

Kara : “We say a lot of things about this country. I am impressed.”

Hanni : “It’s normal that there are apprehensions. I too had some before leaving for Spartak Moscow. I can only tell you that living in Qatar is like a drug for rich and poor: no one wants to leave.”

Their season in Qatar

It’s been three seasons since you played in Qatar. Kara, you narrowly avoided relegation with Al Sailiya but won the QSC Cup. You even gave an assist in the final, won 5-4.

Kara : “Correct. We had a complicated season. We couldn’t score and we put ourselves in danger. In the last two seasons, we’ve changed players too much. We don’t have the same budget as your club, Sofiane.”

Hanni : “We finished fifth, after having been fourth twice. Our budget was not the same either. We started the season with two foreigners, whereas we can have five. On the other hand, I can be satisfied with my personal stats.”

We looked for them, Sofiane: 18 goals and 10 assists in 36 games. And in three years in Qatar: 34 goals and 29 assists.

Hanni : “While the level is not as easy as we think. In Europe, we tend to think that we will walk around when we sign in Qatar. This is not the case. If you underestimate their level and you’re not humble, I guarantee you’ll struggle.”

Kara : “Me, arriving here, I lost 7 kilos and I kept this weight until today. Physically, I feel stronger than during my period in Europe. I became another player. Sofiane can confirm it: we sometimes play two games a week. I play them without worry.”

Despite your good performance, your contract is not extended.

Hanni : “However, my club wants to extend me and has asked for my salary requirements. I let them know, but I have not heard back. If we had agreed, I would have extended in Qatar.”

Kara : “Same for me. The coach wants to keep me, but the offer cannot be the same as in 2019, when I arrived and we were playing the Champions League preliminaries. However, with the three very good seasons that I have done in which I was one of the most important players, I cannot accept a pay cut.”

Mogi et Veljkovic

Do you have contact with a new club? And, if so, do they come from Belgium?

Hanni : “Yes, of course I have contacts. I’m still only 31 – and not 35 – I’m free and my stats are eye-catching. Lots of people call me, but you have to filter clubs. Belgium? No. My name came out in the press (Editor’s note: some mentioned the Union but the info was never confirmed) but no one called me. A return to Belgium could to interest.”

Kara : “The same goes for me. I would also say yes to Belgium. It’s my second country. What I had in Anderlecht was the best experience of my career.”

If Belgian clubs don’t call you, it’s not because they associate you with your agents – or should we say ex-agents? -, Veljkovic and Mogi Bayat?

Hanni : “I have never been linked to a single agent. Of course Veljkovic made my transfer from Mechelen to Anderlecht. But since my departure from Belgium, I have not heard from him. As for Mogi Bayat, I have often had very good contacts with him. I do not incriminate them. Me, if I were a club – and I am not trying to sell myself – I will first see the player and then the person with whom it is necessary talk.”

Kara : “I never signed an agent contract with Mogi Bayat either, but God made him the agent who did 90% of my transfers. He was always there for me, even when we abandoned me. I’m grateful to him. We still talk to each other often by text. If he finds me a club that suits me, of course I’ll sign.”

Do you think you still have the level for Anderlecht, for example?

Hanni : “Yes, of course! I know the level of the Belgian championship and I know my level. It has not decreased. Kara, you say that you feel physically better than during your Anderlecht period. The same goes for me. Players who leave for the Gulf countries are quickly pigeonholed. Some return to Europe with less physical and mental capacity than before. Me, it’s the opposite. I’m ready for a new challenge, and not necessarily in a country where I can make money.

Kara : “Our footballing qualities, we haven’t lost them, Sofiane. I am 32 years old, so I have even more experience than before. And I no longer have any knee problems. In Anderlecht, I I had physical problems that prevented me from being myself. Since then, I have surrounded myself with a staff at the level of care. I am excited at the idea of ​​​​starting a new challenge.”

The title of champion in 2017

You were part of the last champion team with Anderlecht, in 2017. What is your fondest memory?

Kara : “The 1-1 in Bruges in the eighth of the playoffs. It was you who scored the 0-1, Sofiane. And Vormer equalized from a free kick. That’s where we laid the foundation for the title, my only coronation in Europe. However, my start to the season had been complicated. Weiler had put me in the core B. But in the end, we understood each other.

Hanni : “Me, there are several memories. This goal in Bruges, indeed. My two assists in Charleroi (1-3) in the real title match. But I would still take the very last match, against Ostend (3-2 ). We were already champions, but it was a real party, under the Brussels sun. I had invited my family from Paris. It was even more beautiful than my hat-trick the following season at Sclessin, which was my parting gift for Anderlecht.”

2016-2017 was also the quarter-final season in the Europa League, where you almost eliminated Manchester United. Sofiane, the game at Old Trafford (2-1 loss after extra time) is the best I’ve seen you play, but Weiler took you out in the 64th.

Hanni : “On the one hand, it was not easy to understand his decision, given the face of the game and seeing that I had scored. On the other hand, we had agreed before the game that I would play flat out for an hour, because the match three days later against Club Brugge had priority.”

Kara : “Bruges had no say in the matter: 2-0. What a great team we had, with Youri (Tielemans), Leander (Dendoncker), the Franks (Boeckx and Acheampong), Adrien (Trebel) and of course you, Sofiane. “

A week and a half before this match at United, Sofiane, you were whistled by the public of Anderlecht against La Gantoise. And Kara, at a certain point, you refused to go and greet that same audience.

Hanni : “It’s crazy (laughs)… It was a dog-and-cat relationship that I had with the public. At times, it was complicated to be whistled as captain. But it was also exciting to respond with performances on the field. I was going to chamber them with a gesture behind the ear as if to say: ‘I can’t hear you anymore.'”

Kara : “Me, I wanted to make a strong gesture to protect Acheampong and Badji, who were the targets of the public. I found that it was not honest. But I understand the demands of the public. I also experienced magnificent moments with the Sporting fans. It was the best period of my career.”

Hanni : “I came out of this complicated relationship with the fans stronger. And you know that some people, who were sending me not very nice messages at that time, ask me to come back? They say they made a mistake. I feel that they are disappointed that I am no longer there…”



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