James Harden’s exciting promise for the Sixers

At a press conference, Joel Embiid rocked aloud what the press and the supporters repeated… aloud also by admitting that James Harden « was no longer the same player before “, the one hoped for by the Philadelphia Sixers when bringing him from the Brooklyn Nets.

His new teammate might have taken it the wrong way – and maybe he did – but that didn’t stop him from staying in Pennsylvania for two years and another $60 million. A small rebate (17 M dollars all the same) to help the team to strengthen. Now that the contract situation is settled, Harden has set himself a new goal: to become again that player in question that everyone is talking about.

“For the past two years, I have been handicapped by hamstring problems. And this kind of injury is no joke. I will take advantage of this summer to make sure that I find my best level of play, ”confides the former MVP.

James Harden went from 34 points per game in 2020 to 24 in 2021 and 22 in 2022. He notably seemed less sharp with the ball in hand, which may have caused some problems in the playoffs with the Sixers. But if he manages to get to the level (or close to the level) he was at when he was voted MVP (2018), Philly will look really good.

James Harden, a deeply discounted two-year signing to the Sixers


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