Marcelo Flores and Alonso Aceves debut in defeat against OviedoMediotiempo

The Burgos was imposed this Wednesday Real Oviedo in a friendly in which, despite being defeated by the minimum, the blue team enjoyed the debut of the two Mexicans who have joined their ranks, the side Alonso Aceves and midfielder Marcelo Flores, who were one of the highlights of the match playing together on the left wing.

The Carbayón team started the match dominating the ball, very comfortable with the role of Hugo Branch beside Jimmy y Javier Mier in the core and constantly relying on the duo formed by Marcelo Flores y Alonso Aceves on the left.

The playmaker associated with Rama inside, and the winger offered himself on more than one occasion not only to reach the baseline and center, but also to end up making a wall inside and even look for his own shot.

Frank Garcia had the clearest for him Burgoswho retaliated against the blue domain in the last minutes of the first part, and the Oviedofor his part, did not go ahead because the wood avoided him after a whiplash from Hugo Branch to the squad

In the second half, a penalty Javier Moreno about Matos decided the game in favor of the people from Burgos when the meeting time had just passed: it was Crumbs the one in charge of beating take from eleven meters and almost definitively overtake his team on the scoreboard.

Until then, Marcelo and Aceves they had done their thing down the left flank, but without either ending in a goal despite the fact that both combined in depth time and time again, leaving details of their good form despite the fact that it was their first minutes of the preseason.

It was also entered Borja Sanchez y Sergio Enrichwho had not played up to now either, but hardly had an impact -especially the Balearic Islands- in a game in which Valcarce was one of the highlights of the Burgos team and in which Caro avoided the tie at the end after prevailing in a heads-up with Miguelon.

The Burgos thus signing his second victory of the summer -he has one loss, two wins and a draw-, while the Oviedo remains unsolved his main problem so far this preseason: after being measured against Racing of Ferrol, Eibar and Burgos He has not yet managed to see the door.


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