Milan, bartender argues with customer and takes him with a baseball bat

A barista 40 years old argue with a client in the bar of Nerviano, in the province of Milano, and takes it with blows mazza and baseball: she was arrested by the Carabinieri who intervened yesterday evening following a report by a citizen.

Milan, bartender argues with a customer and takes him with a baseball bat

The Carabinieri, alerted by a citizen who told of an attack in a bar in Nerviano, they arrived in commercial activity. Once there they found the woman with the baseball bat in her hand.

The kidnapping

According to an initial reconstruction, a quarrel broke out between a 55-year-old Italian and a 40-year-old bartender of Chinese origin for futile reasons. At a certain point the woman would have taken up the bat that she had secretly introduced into the room and would have started to hit him in the hands and legs of her.

A citizen alerted the carabinieri who arrived and found the man still in pain.

The rescues

The military then immediately requested the intervention of 118: the man was transported in green code to the hospital where he was discharged with a prognosis of 30 days for some fractures in his right hand. For the bartender, on the other hand, the handcuffs were triggered on charges of aggravated personal injuries. The weapon, on the other hand, is impounded.


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