Nadal’s viral speech about the importance of humility in tennis and the treatment of his team: “Let them feel freedom”

What Rafael Nadal He is a constant example of humility and good manners, it is something known throughout the world of sports and is part of his greatness beyond the titles.

But it is that, in addition, he proves it every time he participates in a tournamentas seen last week saying goodbye at Wimbledon to all the workersor when he talks about his work philosophy, as is the case in the tennis player’s latest viral video.

“In team sports you have a coach who is the club. You hire a coach and the player is paid too. But the coach is the boss. In our sport, I am the one who pays the coach, the physical trainer, the physical therapist. In the end, you are the boss“, begins by counting the 22-time Grand Slam champion.

“If you don’t make all those people around you feel that they have the freedom to say things, be they good or bad, without putting your job at risk, then you are not letting yourself be helped“Adds Nadal, with the frankness and well-furnished head that characterizes him.

And he also details how his team, which, with few exceptions, is almost the same since it started, has not been afraid to tell him that kind of thing: “I think everyone who works with me has not felt that danger. I have practically the same team since I started and everyone feels confident in telling me the things they believe,” he says, in a speech that accumulates thousands and thousands of visits on Twitter and makes it clear who Rafael Nadal Parera is.


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