PSG: Campos has set the rules

Chosen by Paris Saint-Germain for his talents as a nugget-spotter, Luis Campos also arrived in the capital this summer to help Christophe Galtier restore discipline in the Parisian locker room. The new PSG sports adviser has already imposed several rules on the players.

Luis Campos wants to bring discipline back to PSG

New chapter, new rules. This summer, Paris Saint-Germain decided to launch a new project by bringing in Luis Campos, in a role of sports adviser, and Christophe Galtier, who replaced Mauricio Pochettino as coach. A duo that has been given an ambitious roadmap.

The two men, like their predecessors, still have the objective of winning as many trophies as possible for PSG, especially this first Champions League after which the capital club has been chasing so much since the arrival of the Qataris in 2011. But the duo , who has already collaborated with Lille, has also been given the task of restoring discipline within the Paris squad.

Delays are penalized with a return home

At the dawn of the 2022-2023 season, the message is clear: Parisian players must be examples of professionalism. Which has not always been the case in recent years. From now on, delays and certain behaviors deemed unprofessional are banned. It is in any case the idea on paper, and it will be necessary to see on the hard way if the new organization chart of PSG is able to bring back this discipline among the players.

To achieve this, Campos has already set the first rules. Thus, a player arriving late at the training center without a valid excuse is sent home, explains L’Equipe. According to the daily Le Parisien, the players now have the obligation to take their breakfasts and lunches with the whole team at the training center. And this, without their mobile phone. The goal is to spend a real convivial moment together, without outside distraction.

Create a new cohesion

The idea of ​​Campos is to create a true cohesion between all players and to put an end to clans, generally made up of elements with the same language or culture. For this, all players must spend as much time as possible together and come together as soon as an opportunity arises. The manager also wants to put in place a code of good conduct between players, in addition to the charter of ethics signed by each Parisian recruit.

So far, these new rules have been well received in the locker room. According to feedback, the Parisian players have developed a great bond since the resumption. Everyone seems to adhere to this objective of discipline during this period of summer preparation. But this is only the beginning. And we will have to see if membership is still total in a few months, when the season will be well launched and Galtier’s choices may have caused some dissatisfaction.

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