Serie B – Don Bosco, Federico D’Elia new Sporting Director

New arrival in the Don Bosco basketball house; after two years spent in Serie B, with Libertas Livorno, Federico D’Elia joins the club in via Allende, who will hold the role of Sporting Director. The enthusiasm with which Federico approaches this new adventure is great; it is clear from his first statements.

After two years in Serie B at Libertas Livorno as Technical Director, you arrive at Don Bosco Basketball, with the role of Sports Director, what are your feelings and prospects for next season?

“With Libertas it was a fascinating, expensive and exciting adventure; the comeback and the playoffs in the season that just went into the archive, the final for A, lost in Game 5, last year gave me great satisfaction, but now they are part of a chapter that belongs to the past. Don Bosco’s call fills me with pride; we are talking about a club that, at the level of the youth sector, represents an excellence in the national basketball scene. The recent U19 National Finals are the maximum expression of youth competition and the boys, masterfully led by Ricci and Tosarelli, have again brought Don Bosco, with a fantastic third place overall, to give prestige to Livorno and to all of Tuscany, a sign that the movement is alive and the work done is of the highest quality. As for me, I will be in charge of the Direction of the Sports area and of the technical coordination of the whole Youth Sector. An assignment of absolute prestige and super motivating; Beyond any hypocrisy, team results are also important at the youth level and represent the engine to do better and better. But nothing compares with the true “mission” of Don Bosco Basketball, a society in which the individual improvement and technical growth of the boys unquestionably come first. The characterizing values ​​are commitment, work ethic, trying to improve every day; this is true for the players, but also for the instructors, the coaches, the physical trainers, the managers. Those who pass through the Don Bosco school pass through a process of growth, both individual and professional, of the highest quality ”.

Any anticipation for next season?
“It is still too early to talk about it, but we are working both for the first team and in the youth sector, trying to give a solid structure in the organization and work of the various staff. Furthermore, we will try to increase the recruitment part, with the precise idea of ​​not looking for ready-made guys, but futuristic ones, on which to work to make them grow and improve. Beyond this, I will be the coach of the Under 15 Excellence, trying to give continuity to the splendid work done with these kids by Gabriele Ricci. I will obviously put my ideas into it, but, in fact, continuing the technical path traced by my predecessor. We are talking about an interesting group, certainly stimulating to train and that I will try to grow further “.



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