Stay at Inter: renewal draft on the horizon

A renewal could be discussed during the next transfer market session, everything will depend on the performances offered in the first half of the season.

It is never too early to talk about future operations, especially when a certain degree of confidence hovers around being successful. This is the case with Edin Dzekowho, barring sensational last minute surprises, will not leave theInter in this summer market session.

Edin Dzeko ©LaPresse

Indeed, the chances that the Bosnian striker will remain for another year are not so low. Everything will depend on the quality of the services offered in the first half of the season employed by the technician Inzaghi and certainly not the quantity, considering that the first option for the attack will certainly remain Lukaku. If these were convincing, the Nerazzurri management could think of extending his stay in Milan for another year but at the due economic conditions. A bit like what happened recently for the other veteran, Samir Handanovic.

Transfer market, renewal of Dzeko only if he looks well

Edin Dzeko ©LaPresse

The management headed by Marotta he could therefore sit down with the player’s entourage as early as the next market session, the so-called winter repair session. Any draft of renewal would report June 2024 as the expiration date, assuming a salary well below 5.5 million of net euros currently received on the basis of the current contract in place.


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