The City Council creates the Police Intervention Training Unit

The City Council of Las Palmas de Gran Canaria, through the Department of Security and Emergencies, has created the Police Intervention Training Unit (UFIPOL) with the aim of promoting training and continuous improvement in the preparation of agents. The room where the agents train has been baptized with the name of Ramón Domínguez Díaz, retired police officer since 2017 and judo instructor of the body for decades.

Mayor Augusto Hidalgo yesterday visited the Police Personal Defense Room (DPP) together with the Councilor for Security and Emergencies, Josué Íñiguez, and the head of the Local Police, Carmen Delia Martín. At the doors of the facilities they discovered the plaque with the name of the retired agent, who did not hesitate to show emotion because he did not know that he was going to experience such an honor this Friday.

The room has undergone a comprehensive reform, including an improvement of the tatami and the painting of the entire space. In addition to the rehabilitation of the site, whose investment has been 20,000 euros, the property has been equipped with new material related to contact sportsthrough the Municipal Sports Institute: bags, special training dummies, cuffs and neck covers, among others.

For the mayor of the capital, “the creation of this unit is part of the strategy of not only providing the agents with the best material means, but also of empowering and improving their capacities, and this is carried out through training.” In this case, he pointed out that “interventions on the street, the most insecure and random that an agent can face, work. Situations with a knife or with firearms. Hidalgo asserted that the municipal body is “the only local police in the entire Canary Islands that complies with Decree 20/2020, which seeks to homogenize technical and defensive means.”

These improvements are part of the Plan for renewal and improvement of the Local Police staffwhich has led to other recent additions such as tailored bulletproof vests, transmitters or portable video cameras, which allow agents to record their interventions in cases of serious security disturbances.

In this sense, Íñiguez pointed out that “we have specialist agents in all these types of matters and situations that, in turn, train the rest of our colleagues. There are five permanent annual sessions aimed at knowing how to act in the most difficult circumstances».

Tribute to Ramón Domínguez

During the act, Hidalgo and Íñiguez presented a plaque to Ramón Domínguez Díazjudo instructor of several generations of Local Police officers, considered an institution in the field of martial arts training.

Domínguez did not stop winning titles and competing while preparing new agents, in a corps in which he entered at the age of 21, currently reaching the grade of eighth dan. Within his didactic facet, he became the technician of consecrated figures in judo such as Aythami Ruano, an Olympian.


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