The finals of the U19 category begin • Diario Democracia

Tonight the finals of the U19 category will begin, where July 9 will receive the visit of Argentino from 8:00 p.m. in the Obelisco neighborhood. Detail:

Final U19

Today Monday 11 – 1st Game

July 9 Club
20 U19 – July 9 (3rd) – Argentine (1st)
Tuesday 12 – 2nd Match

Argentine Club
20 U19 – Argentine (1st) – July 9 (3rd)
Thursday 14 – 3rd Match

Argentine Club
20 U19 – Argentine (1st) – July 9 (3rd)

major finals
Domingo 17

Club Cavul / Argentine – 1st Match
20 Majors – Cavul (2nd) – The Indians (1st)
Tuesday 19 – 2nd Match

The Indians Club
21 Majors – The Indians (1st) – Cavul (2nd)
Friday 22 – 3rd Match

The Indians Club
21 Majors – The Indians (1st) – Cavul (2nd)

Final U15
Tuesday 12 – 1st Match

Argentine Club
20 U15 – Argentine “B” (3rd) – July 9 (1st)
Wednesday 13 – 2nd Match

Club July 9 –
20 U15 – July 9 (1st) – Argentine (3rd)
Friday 15 – 3rd Match

Club July 9 –
20 U15 – July 9 (1st) – Argentine (3rd)

U17 quarters
Tuesday 12 – First Match

San Martin
20 U15 – San Martin (8) – Argentine (1st)
Club Porteño
20 U17 – Porteño (7th) – The Indians “A” (2nd)
cycling club
20 U17 – Cyclist (6th) – Cavul (3rd)
Club El Linqueno
20 U17 – El Linqueño (5th) – July 9 (4th)
Wednesday 13 – 2nd Match

Argentine Club
20 U17 – Argentine (1st) – San Martin (8)
The Indians Club
20 U17 – The Indians (2nd) – Porteño (7th)
Club  Cavul
20 U17 – Cavul (3rd) – Cyclist (6th)
July 9 Club
20 U17 – July 9 (4th) – El Linqueño (5th)
Friday 15 – 3rd Match

Argentine Club
20 U17 – Argentine (1st) – San Martin (8)
The Indians Club
20 U17 – The Indians (2nd) – Porteño (7th)
Club  Cavul
20 U17 – Cavul (3rd) – Cyclist (6th)
July 9 Club
20 U17 – July 9 (4th) – El Linqueño (5th)


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