UPLA Basketball prepares for the Fenaude Zona Costa and LDES – News from the University of Playa Ancha

The women’s and men’s basketball teams of the University of Playa Ancha are in the preparation stage, facing the competitions of the second semester, which they will have to face within the framework of the Fenaude Coastal Area and the start of the Higher Education Sports Leagues, LDES.

To meet the proposed goals, those led by John Paul FerradaThey train on Tuesdays and Thursdays. Meanwhile, the women do it on Wednesdays and Fridays, training sessions that take place in the large gym of the UPLA and in the Renato Raggio IND.

Álvaro Saavedra Galleguillos, student of the Pedagogy in Physical Education careermade known the importance of being the team captain: “I play the leadership role in some game situations, encouraging my teammates and managing to keep the group together.”

“As a team we are in a year of transition, I feel that we have improved a lot. We want to face the competitions in the best possible way, for the team to grow and for us to win”, added Saavedra.

While, Valentina Silva Salvatierra, Occupational Therapy student, expressed his joy at being part of the university team, emphasizing that they will do their best to meet the goals set: “Basketball is my favorite sport, I always wanted to be here and be part of this team. I want to be in all competitions and improve day by day with my teammates”.


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