Vallenato mountain biker challenged the ‘suicide’ track and hung up the gold – El Pilón

Mountain biking in Cesar is celebrating after Vallenato athlete Sergio Vásquez Coronado managed to win the gold medal at the 2022 National MTB Championship organized by the Colombian Cycling Federation in Pereira.

Vásquez prevailed in the modality of downhill (downhill), of the rigid category, with a time of 3 minutes and 27 seconds, on the track located between the paths of La Estrella and La Florida, in the capital of Risaralda.

“Very happy with the result I got in the competition, I’ve been chasing that medal for many years,” said Vásquez in a conversation with EL PILÓN.

The 21-year-old athlete, who lives in the La Nevada neighborhood of Valledupar, beat Óscar Ramírez, from Caldas, and Felipe ‘Felicidad’ Castañeda, from Antioquia, second and third respectively.

“The track was quite complicated, very smooth, it was a miraculous descent, the one who didn’t fall won, with several mistakes but without falling, that was what gave me the victory”, stressed Vásquez.

The Vallenato mountain biker started in this extreme sport at the age of 6, when in the middle of his birthday he went to train at Cerro Ecce Homo, being ‘arrowed’ from that moment.

It is the first time that an athlete from the Cesar Cycling League has hung a gold in this modality, endorsed by the Colombian federation.



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