VII Edition of ‘The nights of the County’, in Conversano falconry shows, gastronomy and medieval music from 5 to 7 August 2022

During “The Nights of the County”, the ancient village of Conversano will welcome you with ladies and knights, cooks and artisans, monks and clerics, commoners and people of the countryside, flag-wavers and drums, archers and falconers. From the most important square of the ancient village, Piazza Castello, at the foot of the majestic Aragonese Castle, the journey through history will start, which will extend to Piazza Conciliazione and Borgo Antico. In these places the Medieval Market will be set up and recalled, where the excellence of craftsmanship will meet the delicious gastronomy of the Apulian territory.


“Program of Remembrance Days”

05 August 2022
19.00 – Conference “The County of Conversano between Normans and Swabians” – by the cultural association Incontri – (Piazza L. Sturzo)

8.00 pm – Opening of the “MEDIEVAL TAVERN” of Villa Garibaldi and opening of the “Ancient Handicraft Fair” in the Borgo Antico, with a counter for currency exchange from the euro to the “Duchy Apuliense” in Villa Garibaldi and Corso D. Morea

From 20.30
– Fabriano Paper Bank, Parchment Bench, Leather and Binding Bench, Luthier Bench, Barbitonsore Bench, Candelaio Bench, Flour Bench, Toy Bench, Siege Machine Bench, Alchemist’s Bench , Banco del Cerusico, Banco del Tanner di Leathers, Banco del Maestro d’Arme, Banco del Mastro Arcaio, Banco della Cucina Medievale – (Corso Domenico Morea)
– Opening of the Camp of the Teutonic Knights of Santa Maria di Gerusalemme of the XII / XIII century – (Piazza Conciliazione)
– Opening of the XIII century Camp – (Largo Polygonal Tower)
– Guard post with tent from the 14th century – (Porta del Lauro)
– Opening of the 15th century Camp – (Piazza Castello)
– Archery – (Largo Polygonal Tower)
– Arena Duelli di Spade – (Largo Polygonal Tower)
– Medieval Games and Great Carousel for children – Games for adults and children – (Villa Garibaldi)
– Craft Market – (Conciliazione Square – Via San Benedetto)
– Liber Medievalis – the corner of the historical book – (Via San Benedetto)
– Pigus Lo Giullaro – Juggling show, comic magic, the rite of fire – (Piazza Castello)
– Dante’s Comedy. All the colors of his crazy love – medium-length film (Piazza L. Sturzo)
– The Leprosarium – (Porta del Lauro)

From 9.30 pm – Scenes reminiscent of the history of Conversano:
– The investiture of a Templar Knight – AD 1215 – (Largo Cattedrale)
– The fight in Taberna – AD 1250 – (Villa Garibaldi)
– The duel of Ostuni – AD 1665 – Duel between Cosimo Acquaviva and his first son Giangirolamo III, and Petraccone V and his brother Innico – (Giardino dei Limoni);

06 August 2022
8.00 pm – Opening of the “MEDIEVAL TAVERN” of Villa Garibaldi and opening of the “Ancient Handicraft Fair” in the Borgo Antico, with a counter for currency exchange from the euro to the “Duchy Apuliense” in Villa Garibaldi and Corso D. Morea

From 20.30
– Fabriano Paper Bank, Parchment Bench, Leather and Binding Bench, Luthier Bench, Barbitonsore Bench, Candelaio Bench, Flour Bench, Toy Bench, Siege Machine Bench, Alchemist’s Bench , Banco del Cerusico, Banco del Tanner di Leathers, Banco del Maestro d’Arme, Banco del Mastro Arcaio, Banco della Cucina Medieval, Banco del Conio, Banco dell’Osbergaio / Armaiolo, Banco del Musivarius – (Corso Domenico Morea)
– Opening of the Camp of the Teutonic Knights of Santa Maria di Gerusalemme of the XII / XIII century – (Piazza Conciliazione)
– Opening of the XIII century Camp – (Largo Polygonal Tower)
– Guard post with tent from the 14th century – (Porta del Lauro)
– Opening of the 15th century Camp – (Piazza Castello)
– Archery – (Largo Polygonal Tower)
– Arena Duelli di Spade – (Largo Polygonal Tower)
– Medieval Games and Great Carousel for children – Games for adults and children – (Villa Garibaldi)
– Craft Market – (Conciliazione Square – Via San Benedetto)
– Liber Medievalis – the corner of the historical book – (Via San Benedetto)
– Dante’s Comedy. All the colors of his crazy love – medium-length film (Piazza L. Sturzo)
– The Leprosarium – (Porta del Lauro)
– Giullar Silvestro / Fra Ginepro – Itinerant Giulleria Show – (Villa Garibaldi)
– Yin & Yang – Jesters of Fire – (Piazza Castello)
– Odor of the Rose Music – Music of Medieval Itinerante – (Borgo Antico)

From 9.30 pm – Scenes reminiscent of the history of Conversano:
– The investiture of a Templar Knight – AD 1215 – (Largo Cattedrale)
– The fight in Taberna – AD 1250 – (Villa Garibaldi)
– The duel of Ostuni – AD 1665 – Duel between Cosimo Acquaviva and his first son Giangirolamo III, and Petraccone V and his brother Innico – (Giardino dei Limoni);

9.30 pm and 10.30 pm – I and II theater-show of the Falconieri della Grancia – (Piazza Castello)

07 August 2022
8.00 pm – GRAND FINAL MULTI-PERIOD HISTORICAL COURT with BEPPE CONVERTINI in the role of Count “Giangirolamo II Acquaviva D’Aragona” – Rally of the Historical Parade – (Via XXIV MAY)

8.00 pm – Opening of the “MEDIEVAL TAVERN” of Villa Garibaldi and opening of the “Ancient Handicraft Fair” in the Borgo Antico, with a counter for currency exchange from the euro to the “Duchy Apuliense” in Villa Garibaldi and Corso D. Morea

8.30 pm – Departure of the Historical Parade from Via XXIV MAGGIO
9.30 pm – Arrival in Piazza Castello of the Historical Parade – entrance and presentation of historical groups, closing of the party, show flag wavers, Drums and Musicians with BEPPE CONVERTINI in the role of Count “Giangirolamo II Acquaviva D’Aragona” – (Balconata del Castello of Conversano)

From 20.30
– Fabriano Paper Bank, Parchment Bench, Leather and Binding Bench, Luthier Bench, Barbitonsore Bench, Candelaio Bench, Flour Bench, Toy Bench, Siege Machine Bench, Alchemist’s Bench , Banco del Cerusico, Banco del Tanner di Leathers, Banco del Maestro d’Arme, Banco del Mastro Arcaio, Banco della Cucina Medieval, Banco del Conio, Banco dell’Osbergaio / Armaiolo, Banco del Musivarius – (Corso Domenico Morea)
– Opening of the Camp of the Teutonic Knights of Santa Maria di Gerusalemme of the XII / XIII century – (Piazza Conciliazione)
– Opening of the XIII century Camp – (Largo Polygonal Tower)
– Opening of the 15th century Camp – (Piazza Castello)
– Guard post with tent from the 14th century – (Porta del Lauro)
– Archery – (Largo Torre Poligonale);
– Arena Duelli di Spade – (Largo Polygonal Tower);
– Medieval Games and Great Carousel for children – Games for adults and children – (Villa Garibaldi)
– Craft Market – (Conciliazione Square – Via San Benedetto)
– Liber Medievalis – the corner of the historical book – (Via San Benedetto)
– Dante’s Comedy. All the Colors of His Crazy Love – medium-length film – (Piazza L. Sturzo)
– The Leprosarium – (Porta del Lauro)
– Giullar Silvestro / Fra Ginepro – Itinerant Giulleria Show – (Villa Garibaldi)
– Yin & Yang – Jesters of Fire – (Piazza Castello)
– Odor of the Rose Music – Music of Medieval Itinerante – (Borgo Antico)
– Pigus Lo Giullaro – Juggling show, comic magic, the rite of fire – (Corso Domenico Morea)

– 10.00 pm – Final Show by Gianluca Foresi aka “GIULLAR CORTESE” – (Piazza Castello)

From 10.30 pm – Scenes reminiscent of the history of Conversano:
– The investiture of a Templar Knight – AD 1215 – (Largo Cattedrale)
– The fight in Taberna – AD 1250 – (Villa Garibaldi)
– The duel of Ostuni – AD 1665 – Duel between Cosimo Acquaviva and his first son Giangirolamo III, and Petraccone V and his brother Innico – (Giardino dei Limoni)


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