37 young people took part in the stays offered by Flers Agglo

A group in La Rochelle. ©Flers Agglo

Of La Rochelle to the Savoy Passing by Pont d’Ouilly… Three stays were offered by Flers Agglo (Orne) to young people in the area during the summer holidays! The last, in Pont-d’Ouilly, took place from August 15 to 19. So three geographical destinations and three different universes which allowed 37 young people to practice numerous sports and cultural activities.

Many activities

On the program, there was rafting, summer tobogganing, a concert evening at the Francofolies festival, towed buoys, hiking, swimming in the river and at sea, archery, kayaking… Others were able to discover the cheese making or a goat farm and even sleep in a yurt !

Everyone was able to choose their destination and share a good time with their friends and girlfriends… Can’t wait for the next stays!

During the stay in Savoy.
During the stay in Savoy. ©Flers Agglo

It is also a question, for young people, of learning to live in communityto reach out to others, to gain autonomy, while discovering “the world”.

Stays this fall

The last stay, in Pont-d’Ouilly, was a bit atypical. Young teenagers and three families lived together under the same roof for a week. The activities were organized according to generations while the evenings and daily life within the center were shared.

A stay will also be organized from October 31 to November 5 in La Manche, during the autumn holidays. Young people will discover water sports, in particular sand yachting. Added to this is the visit to the Mont-Saint-Michel region. The group will be accommodated at the Center Régional de Nautisme Granville, half board.

A group in Savoy.
A group in Savoy. ©Flers Agglo

There will also be the stay next venture for 14-17 year olds, always during the holidays. On the program: mountain biking, fishing, orienteering, hiking… for 5 days.

Videos: currently on Actu

For further information and registration: Maison d’activites Saint-Michel, 25, rue du Mont-Saint-Michel, in Flers. Contact on 02 33 62 33 10.

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