A National Men’s Basketball Team lost to Poland – Smart Agenda

Nationals for the match played at the OAKA Arena in Marousi, Greece; Shane Larkin, Şehmus Hazer, Onuralp Bitim, Yiğitcan Saybir and …

Nationals for the match played at the OAKA Arena in Marousi, Greece; Shane Larkin, Şehmus Hazer, Onuralp Bitim, Yiğitcan Saybir and Sertaç Şanlı started with five. Crescent-Stars finished the first half ahead 38-35 against Poland. Cedi Osman scored 15 points, Furkan Korkmaz and Melih Mahmutoğlu played 13 points each in the National Team. In Poland, Mateusz Ponitka scored 16 points and Cel Aaron scored 15 points.

Crescent-Stars will face Greece in the last match of the tournament at 21.00 CET tomorrow.


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