After the party, the viral photo of LeBron James alongside Steph Curry!

There was quite an event last weekend for Draymond Green, since the Warriors player got married. Many players have obviously been invited, including Steph Curry, or even LeBron James. The three men also wanted to mark the occasion after the ceremony, with a photo that is already creating buzz on social networks.

While waiting for the resumption of the NBA, we know that players are generally quite active during the offseason. There are workouts, vacations, and even weddings. Indeed, Draymond Green has added a new ring to his credit, but the latter does not concern the Warriors. A great event for the player, who was able to invite many colleagues. Stephen Curry was present, and he was able to a curious meeting for this occasion.

LeBron, Dray and Curry have fun at a wedding!

But the leader was not alone, since LeBron James was also invited. There is no pity on the floors between the two, but outside, they are friends, which explains the presence of the King. Several photos quickly popped up on social media, including one that is generating huge buzz. As a reminder, the three players have already accumulated 12 rings, the opportunity to keep a memory.

A dozen of them!

4 for LeBron, 4 for Green and therefore 4 also for Curry. The account is good for the King, who proudly shared the snapshot on his Instagram story. A good memory, even if Internet users could not help but laugh a little:

Curry has the most important ring

It’s good for them to be friends, but I preferred the days when opposing players sought to destroy each other at all costs…

It’s weird

Draymond Green was in good company for his wedding, with a LeBron James and Steph Curry who certainly didn’t want to miss it. We are not going to complain given this photo, even if we hope for a good battle next year on the floor. That’s good, Warriors and Lakers will meet for the first game of the season.


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