Behind the star in the village: Švancara went wild like a young woman, beer and sausage caught their attention

Result? The home win was 6:1 and Švancara scored two goals, in the end he claimed a hat trick, but he didn’t get the pass, his teammate Daniel Kříž finished it exactly. The ex-league matador was only angry at him. “I don’t even have the ambition to score goals. To put it bluntly, I could have taken a penalty, but I have it set up differently in my head. I’m not afraid to take responsibility, I have enough self-confidence, but it’s better if the guys who will be playing for five or six years learn it, let them kick penalties. Two goals are a bonus,” smiled the forty-four-year-old striker.

Svratka only won in the end over a newcomer from Kunštát

From the beginning of the match, he proved that he is still an above-standard footballer for such a competition. He passed a lot near the goals, the visiting defenders defended him tooth and nail, but often in vain. “I’m pleased with some of the actions that we started well, although we didn’t end them with a goal, but it was beautiful. I think we are trying to play nice football in the I. B class,” he described.

As is his habit, he gesticulated enthusiastically throughout the game, communicating with his teammates and indicating what kind of passes he envisioned from them. “Guys may have respect for me, but anyone who knows me and has played with me knows that I want all the balloons. It might look like I’m yelling at our guys, but I’ll apologize to everyone at halftime and after the game. I want to play forward and I’m happy with the good balls they gave me. It’s just a pleasure to go at the goalkeeper alone at the age of forty-five,” Švancara alluded to his second goal in the game, when the ball went into the net after a solo.

Football player Petr Švancara.

They scold him, even so Švancara changes his jersey. I still want to piss off 20-year-old boys, he says

For example, shooting goalkeeper Karel Šimoník heard several times what ball to send to Švancar. “He wanted me to play a little faster, but I’m used to laying the ball down and playing on the ground. We have to settle a little more on this,” smiled Šimoník.

Source: Diary

It is not new for him to sit in the cabin next to the former first league star, so he was not nervous. “I have experienced Honza Maroš, Radim Vlasák, most recently Ríša Dostálek, it is fantastic to play next to them. When I sat next to Honza Maroši eight or ten years ago, I had more respect, now I take him more or less as my equal,” explained Šimoník.

Mostly he calls Lojza

By the way, Šimoník is one of several teammates whom Švancara remembered by name before the first game. “Maybe the result was too cruel for the opponent, he tried to play, but he didn’t finish much, or there was a great goalkeeper Karel,” said Švancara.

When he couldn’t remember a teammate’s name, he used the collective nickname: Lojza. “It was my first match, I don’t go to training at all, but we agreed, I have a lot of work over the weekend. I learn the boys’ names quickly, it’s good that there aren’t many of us, it’s easier to remember,” Švancara smirked.

Petr Švancara poses before the boxing battle with Lukáš Konečný.

Švancara used an insidious blow against Konečné and ends up on top with boxing

The popular football showman, of course, also discussed with the audience, as is his custom, and even defended the referee. “Go try it yourself, run somewhere with a flag every weekend,” he exhorted the critical viewer.

He had time for the occasional rant because when the Arrows were defending, he was watching his teammates from the halfway line. “You’ve probably seen that I don’t go back much, although sometimes I make light of it, my role is to do everything possible going forward, which I hope I did well. I scored two goals, I try to return the defense to the boys in the form of passes,” explains the football player nicknamed Mercedes.

Former football player of Zbrojovka Brno Petr Švancara.

I believed. Now I’m afraid that the stadium will never be behind Lužánky, regrets Švancara

His pieces also entertained the audience, who appreciated his arrival in Střelice. “He didn’t spoil the ball, he could have scored five goals if the Strěličáci had been more skillful. Hopefully he can last, he mustn’t learn to drink too much here,” said one of the club’s long-time supporters of Švancar’s contribution.

After the match, the former football professional dragged his teammates to a thanksgiving ceremony following the example of first league clubs. And he received a well-deserved round of applause with the team. “Most of all, I’m glad that we won, I’m happy with the audience’s visit. This is exactly what I want people to enjoy on a Sunday night thanks to me or the team as a whole. I have it about five minutes from the barracks and everything fits together. I’m glad that Strělice hired me and I’m already looking forward to the sausage. That’s my only bonus,” he recounted after the winning match.

Thoughts on how to proceed

In Střelice, Švancara again met the coach who led him in Zbrojovce. Former first league footballer Róbert Kafka knows what to expect from the experienced forward. “Švanci is a league footballer, he scored goals and he will score them as long as his health serves him. The boys looked forward to him when they gave him the ball, scored a goal or created a chance. They take him as a person and he will certainly help us,” said Kafka.

Zbrojovka footballers (in red) defeated Mlada Boleslav 3:1.

PICTURE: Zbrojovka turned the duel with Mlada Boleslav and leads the first league table

The 60-year-old strategist is also reconciled to the fact that others must defend for him. “We have known each other for many years, at almost forty-five he still has his speed and knows how to get into chances and convert them. He doesn’t need to go to training sessions, he has enough of his sports matches even outside the football season. It depends on how his health will serve him, even if he has some extra pounds, he is still fast,” Kafka acknowledged.

With Švancara, Strělice are also thinking about higher competition. “We want to play at the top and if there is a chance to advance to the I. A class, we will try to do it. I managed to lose some weight and I’m glad that I’m chasing the 20-year-old guys in the attack a bit and I don’t have to be a stopper. There will definitely come a time when others will start to get annoyed that I don’t come back as much, I have to do everything to prevent it from happening and I was successful. I mainly want to help make football more visible here, because it is played by honest people who love it, without any benefit,” added Švancara.

In the first game, he did great.


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