Budoclub Zeiskam: Three exams before the holidays for the judokas

Zeiskam. In the week before the summer holidays, the belt tests of different performance levels were on the program for three days at the end of the first half of the year at the 1st Budoclub Zeiskam. On Monday, the candidates for the highest belt level, the brown belt, started. At this belt level, an external examiner is mandatory. Andrej Kobsarenko from Judokan Landau took over this task. The five examinees first performed the kata for the brown belt. Marius Krebs and Oskar Sinn, who also made himself available as uke for the remaining candidates, made the start of this test and showed the so-called Te-Waza group almost perfectly. The other candidates Fiona Frank, David Schuller and Max Sommer showed the kata with Oskar and were also able to successfully complete the first part of the test. The drop school also impressed the examiners. The five also had no problems with the other test content such as throwing, basic forms and from movement, standing and floor application, as well as previous knowledge from the previous belt levels. When, after almost two hours of exam time, the examiners reported the positive result and congratulated them on passing the exam, everyone involved was visibly relieved. The next step now is to prepare for the master degree, the black belt. This is the declared aim of the participants. The chairman and examiner of the association was also happy about the large number of successful brown belt examinees and expressed the hope of being able to welcome more black belt holders in the dojo in the near future.

On Tuesday, in addition to the nine beginners who presented their program for the white and yellow belt to the examiner, four other judo kids showed the program for the yellow belt. With the fall exercises, the entrance to the exam was already a success. The examiner was also satisfied with the throwing and holding techniques. With praise and a request to keep practicing, the examiner ended the examination after a little more than an hour and informed all examinees that the examination was successful and they are now entitled to wear the next higher belt color. The following candidates passed the test for the white and yellow belt: Philipp Eßwein, Oskar Nord, Ben Christ, Julius Kindla, Helena Stein Michael Schreiner, Leonard Hemp, Nurgül Poyraz and Alissa B. Julian Ertel, Dante Magnus Kindla, Bennet Gödelmann and Erik Stein carry now yellow.

The examination week before the holidays was concluded by the examinees of the higher belt grades up to the blue belt. At short notice, the external examiner from the Monday exam Andrej Kobsarenko (Judokan Landau) had to step in because our examiner was ill. Thank you again in this way. A novelty in this test was that Janette Hartmann, who was being tested for the green belt, competed with her two children, Lina and Silas, who were taking the blue belt test. In the history of the club so far, this was unique in such a highly ranked examination. After the fall school, the prospective green and blue belt carriers started with the kata. The rest of the test program with throws, holding, choking and application techniques, both standing and on the ground, did not cause any difficulties for the candidates. Special thanks go to the trainers Fabio Frank, Julien Frey and Frank Schenkenberger, who conveyed the respective examination program to the examinees very well. The examiners found no deficiencies when asking about previous knowledge. In the end, everyone was happy that they passed the exam. The chairman praised the examinees and said goodbye to everyone for their well-deserved summer break. ps



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