Child invaded the field and comforted the goalkeeper who was destroyed because of Villa – Publimetro Colombia

The duel between ‘Halcón’ and ‘Xeneize’ gave a lot to talk about because it was defined reaching the end of the 90 minutes. However, a striking episode caught the attention of fans of both teams and the world of football. It turns out that a child inflates Defense and Justice consolation to Ezekiel Unsain after the defeat against Boca Juniors. The unexpected moment moved many and showed all the feelings that a lost game arouses.

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After the final whistle of the game, which ended in a 0-1 victory for Boca, Ezequiel Unsain, goalkeeper of Defense and Justice, was destroyed because the defeat goal came in one of the last plays. While he was lamenting, a child fan of “Halcón” invaded the field and went straight to comfort him.

The touching hug between the boy and the Argentine goalkeeper did not take long to go around the world and showed that football is much more than 22 people running after a ball.

Sebastián assisted the goal that meant the defeat of Defense and Justice:

In one of the last plays of the match between Boca Juniors and Defensa y Justicia, Sebastián Villa recovered the ball in the middle of the field and put together a play before sending a pass to Luis Vásquez. The Argentine striker took advantage of the Colombian’s qualification, defined well and scored the final 0-.1. Precisely because of this goal, Ezequiel Unsain was heartbroken, since his team had maintained an important draw and even had several chances to win.

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