LIVESTREAM athletics: bad luck for Obasuyi, soon Vanderelst (1500m) and semi-finals 400m | European Championships

On the second day of the European Athletics Championships, we will focus in the morning session on the heats of the 110m hurdles with Michael Obasuyi, the heats of the 1500m with Elise Vanderelst and especially the semifinals of the 400m, with a bunch of Belgians in both the men as well as the women.

Belgen on EK athletics 16 August
Niels Pittomvilsdecathlon: 110m hurdles14″81 (stand: 12e)
Michael Obasuyiseries of 110m hurdles13″90 (17e, out)
Niels Pittomvilsdecathlon: discus throw46,77m
Elise Vanderelstsets 1500m4’07″62 (17e, out)
11.30 uNiels Pittomvilsdecathlon: pole vault
11.57 uRemi Schyns3000m steeplechase series
Tim Van de Velde3000m steeplechase series
12.15 uVanessa Sterckendrieshammer throw qualifications
12.25 uDylan Borleesemi-final 400m
Kevin Borleesemi-final 400m
Alexander Doomsemi-final 400m
13 uCynthia Bolingosemi-final 400m
Camille Laussemi-final 400m*
Naomi Van Den Broecksemi-final 400m*
18.30 of 19.30 uNiels Pittomvilsdecathlon: javelin throw
18.35 uThomas Carmoyhigh jump qualifications
20.19 uKobe Vleminckxsemi-final 100m
20.42 uRani Rosiussemi-final 100m
20.49 uDelphine I don’t knowsemi-final 100m
21.08 uIsaac Kimelifinale 5000m
Michael Somersfinale 5000m
21.35 uNiels Pittomvilsdecathlon: 1,500 meters
22.15 uKobe Vleminckxfinale 100m*
22.25 uDelphine I don’t knowfinale 100m*
Rani Rosiusfinale 100m*

  1. 10:33. Vanderelst is out. Elise Vanderelst, the European indoor champion after all, is not allowed to go to the final. The 4 losing times all come from the much faster second series. “The summer season of Vanderelst, after her mediocre World Cup, has failed somewhat,” says Marc Willems. .
  2. 10 a.m. 31. They go really fast in the second set. I don’t think there will be a final for Vanderelst. Marc Willems.
  3. 10 am 25. Strong work from Pittomvils. Niels Pittomvils takes it one step further with his last throw: 46.77 meters is only half a meter below his personal best. With 803 points, he comes after 7 out of 10 parts at 5697 points. We only know after the performances of the second group where he will end up. Will he make it into the top 10? .
  4. 10 am 19. Waiting for Vanderelst. Elise Vanderelst eventually becomes 7th in her 1500 meters series. She currently has the 3rd losing time (4’07″62). She has to hope that it doesn’t go too fast in the second series. So wait and see. .
  5. 10 hours 19. Elise Vanderelst slumps a bit, just before entering the last lap. Top 4 will be tough. .
  6. 10 am 17. Pittomvils is improving. With his second throw, Niels Pittomvils does almost 3 meters better: 44.97 meters gives him 766 points for the time being. But he has one more try. .
  7. 10 a.m. 4 p.m. It’s not going to be easy for Elise Vanderelst. Marc Willems.
  8. 10 am 15. 1500 meters with Elise Vanderelst. With Elise Vanderelst, a new Belgian comes into action in Munich. She must finish in the top 4 in her heat or in the best 4 losing times across the 2 heats. .
  9. 10 am 02. Pittomvils in the discus throw. Niels Pittomvils launched his discus for the first time and it landed after 42.16 meters, about 5 meters below his personal best. Earlier at this European Championship we saw that Pittomvils often starts with a “cautious” attempt in the technical numbers. .
  10. 9 a.m. 56. Obasuyi is out. Michael Obasuyi is ultimately the number 17 in the series of the 110 meter hurdles, so he just falls by the wayside. That will be a major disappointment. .
  11. 09 hours 44. Necks 2 thousandths Obasuyi? Michael Obasuyi is only 5th in his series of the 110m hurdles, while only the top 4 can go directly to the semi-finals. The difference between the number 4, De Oliveira, and Obasuyi is 2 thousandths (13″897 versus 13″899). The spectacular and somewhat bizarre dive of the Portuguese was useful after all. Obasuyi still has 1 way out, because 1 losing time from all series can still go to the semi-finals. .
  12. 9am 28. Best time of 2022 for Pittomvils. Niels Pittomvils started his second day of the decathlon with a 14″81 in the 110 meter hurdles. That is his best time of the season, good for 873 points. .


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