Millonarios Liga BetPlay statements Alberto Gamero prior against Jaguares | Colombian Soccer | Betplay League

Millonarios will return to action in the League, after qualifying for the BetPlay Cup semifinals. The Blues have shown variants on the field, where they gave opportunity to new players, who added minutes and contributed during the duel.

Separate page and the blues focus on Jaguares, to continue at the top of the table. The Blues strategist spoke at the press conference, revealing news about the squad that will be on the pitch at El Campín this Saturday. Among those is the absence of Larry Vásquez.

Solutions for the errors in the Cup and the League, announcement news: I showed the players the match against Águilas. We didn’t play well, but they didn’t run over us. They didn’t have clear goalscoring options, we played almost 60 minutes with 10 men. We have to correct, not reaching a goal option, that has a response that we saw. We did not determine where we could finish better, we did not decide on one of those, to go to the goal.

We are correcting, against Fortaleza, we have to analyze something. We faced a good rival, he can compete and he did well. Two goals entered the middle, because they have that virtue. In the second half with Dewar, we were more solid, more secure in the defensive zone. There are things to correct, the ball still, the transitions, which do not end well, the withdrawals.

I always watch the games point by point. Whenever we go playing and correcting, we have to be better. There will be 20 players summoned, Pereira enters. Vanegas, Kliver, and Cortes exit.

Absence of Larry Vásquez and options: with Pereira and García we are going to propose, if it is with Silva or Dewar, the same. Not that there is a more offensive player. We must be balanced, we are going to face a team that has complicated us here, I respect all the teams and I try to go out and play the same. If Larry isn’t there, Garcia will be.
We will see what options the rival will give us, depending on what he shows.

Return of the Comandos Azules bar to the north grandstand: it’s nice to see the Comandos in the grandstand, it’s a fan that Millonarios has had and for us it will be useful, important. We ask for peace in the stadiums, starting with the other bars is a message of peace, so that the children go. It is a joy for us, the team feels it and feels a greater support, when that bar is there.

Pressure to obtain the title in the League and Cup: the fact of not having obtained the title will always lead to pressure. The main thing is to try to finish as we are, improve things. We all want titles, we have to look for it. We are working for that. In Millonarios there will always be pressure, whether it is the leader or last, that is assumed by the team. Where we go there are full stadiums. The players are taking strength, responsibility. The hierarchy is taken like this, with those parties. We look at the League and Cup, where we are in the semifinals. In the League there are teams attached to us. If we focus on leading both boards, we won’t have any problems in the end. The important thing is to qualify as soon as possible.

Arrival of Juan David Torres: he has interesting things, he has been training with the club. We see it in the future, not in the present. It is not that he is going to be the solution, he was for Brazil. As he enters the group, he will have options. It is to clarify that he is not a player for tomorrow or Wednesday. We have seen him for a month and a half.

Management of physical work with the League and Cup matches: we began to look at it, it went well for us, with the group in the Cup that was alternate. Tomorrow the base group plays, we want to qualify as soon as possible, to focus on the League and Cup. We have to recover players, who are whole, to face Jaguares and Medellín, then against Tuluá, Pereira and the classic come.

We looked at all that, we are sure that those who played against Fortaleza, responded, with errors, it is normal. We have a group to play these tournaments. We will take stock and look at who we will be recovering.


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