Montval-sur-Loir. This summer, young people don’t have time to be bored | The mail

The teenagers practiced archery in Orbeil ©Centre Social Intercommunal Loir et Bercé

Throughout the month of July 2022the youth sector of the Loir and Bercé Intercommunal Social Center (Sarthe) has offered middle school and high school students many activities so as not to be bored during the holidays.

43 teenagers took part in activities that they had chosen themselves via the responses to the questionnaire launched in April to identify their ideas. Micro rockets, introduction to the remote-controlled radio boat, geocaching, visit to the Tours courthouse and hearing, cycling in the Bercé forest, tree climbing; the activities were varied.

Surfing and ziplining

Two stays were organized in partnership with the social center of Lucé, labeled ” Learning colors“. Families eligible for the scheme were able to benefit from lower prices thanks to state aid. For the first stay, fifteen young people went camping at OlonneonMer, in Vendee and were able to learn about surfing and paddle. For the second, 17 went to Orbeilin AuvergneRhôneAlpes. They were able to practice zip lines, nature archery, battle archery or even hiking.

“These stays allowed the young people to discover community life, but also a new environment and to learn about new activities”, testifies Karine DevrekerChildhood-Youth Coordinator of the Loir et Bercé Intermunicipal Social Center.

Nautical activities were on the program in Olonne-sur-Mer
Nautical activities were on the program in Olonne-sur-Mer ©Centre Social Intercommunal Loir et Bercé

Pocket money

Two “pocket money” projects were offered to young people in July. As a reminder, this system allows young people to carry out small jobs in the municipalities in exchange for compensation, which they receive from the municipalities concerned. The first project concerned the renovation of the communal playground of Lavernat. This project lasted three days and the three young people concerned were supervised by an elected municipal official. The second project concerned the maintenance of the military square in the cemetery of Château-du-Loir.

Three teenagers worked for 5 days under the supervision of the Association du Souvenir Français.

Three new Pocket Money projects will take place at the end of August: two to MontvalonDormouse and one to gleamed. These projects are already complete.

Videos: currently on Actu

A local young people to exchange, share and be accompanied

Youth activities will resume on August 22 with new activities: strategy games and Magic cards, project to create a siege machine, laser game, redevelopment of the premises and mini camp Koh Lanta. As a reminder, from August 29 to 31, youth activities are open to future 6th graders to discover how the youth room works. There are still a few places left for these activities.

The youth room will be open on Wednesday afternoons from the start of the school year. A participation of 5 € is requested for access to the premises all year round. Young people can come and discover it once without obligation. Karine Devreker recalls that “the local is a space that welcomes middle and high school students who wish to meet to discuss, share an activity of their choice or to be accompanied in their projects (event, departure on vacation, leisure, etc.).

As part of the “Finance your leisure” project, seven young people ran the bar and sold pancakes on the occasion of Festiloir in Vouvray-sur-Loir. The benefits of the actions allow young people to finance a collective project or to participate in the financing of local activities. Two new actions are scheduled on the occasion of Destin’asso in September and the Medieval Festival in October.

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