Port-en-Bessin: 70 residents of 5 nursing homes in Bessin and the Côte de Nacre at the Embruns Olympics

Thursday August 11, 2022, the accommodation establishment for dependent elderly people (Ehpad) Les Embruns welcomed residents of other EHPADs in Bessin for the first time for colorful Olympics. ©The Renaissance le Bessin

Thursday August 11, 2022, the accommodation establishment for dependent elderly people (Ehpad) The Spray of Port-en-Bessin-Huppain (Calvados) welcomed for the first time residents of other EHPADs in Bessin for olympiads colorful.

A dozen activities

Port-en-Bessin nursing home Olympics
70 residents from 5 nursing homes in Bessin took part in this competition. All the players are gathered here for the award ceremony at the end of the day. ©The Renaissance le Bessin

For a whole afternoon, the Port-en-Bessin nursing home, opened in 2018 and managed since 2022 by Stéphane Eude, organized games spread over a dozen stands. On the menu, archery, petanque, shuffle-all, bowling or even puzzles… Enough to satisfy the 70 competitors from Les Embruns and five neighboring structures: La Reine Mathilde de Bayeux, the Beau Soleil d’Ellon, MBV-Westalia in Courseulles-sur-Mer, Côte de Nacre – Emera in Luc-sur-mer and the Les Ondines residence in Grandcamp-Maisy.

Recreate the link between EHPADs

Port-en-Bessin nursing home Olympics
Success for the Olympics at the Les Embruns de Port-en-Bessin nursing home ©La Renaissance le Bessin

“It’s funny to see people like that, we’ve really lost the habit”. Monique Dorbeque, a resident of Les Embruns for about four years, is part of the pink team. Each Ehpad is represented by a color that it must lead to victory. “Team spirit is very important. One of us had difficulties earlier, so we helped each other,” says Monique Dorbeque.

Port-en-Bessin nursing home Olympics
For a whole afternoon, the Port-en-Bessin nursing home organized games spread over a dozen stands. Here, a competitor in the basketball event. ©The Renaissance le Bessin

If such meetings between nursing homes have already existed in the past, the health crisis had put an end to them since the beginning of 2020.

“It’s really heartwarming to see that. The pandemic had isolated the residents so much, ”rejoices Esther Lecœur, occupational therapist at the Embruns nursing home and key element in the realization of these inter-Ehpad Olympics. “I hope that we will succeed in perpetuating these Olympics and that they will be able to take place in other nursing homes in the coming years”.

Port-en-Bessin nursing home Olympics
A little welcome boost on certain events contested in a good mood. ©The Renaissance le Bessin

Esther Lecœur knocked on the door of all the structures in Bessin to ask them to participate. “When we received the invitation to join this day, we did not hesitate for a single second”, explains Caroline Rioual, animator in the Courseulles-sur-Mer retirement home and reconverted into the profession just recently. a year.

Port-en-Bessin nursing home Olympics
The yellow team on its way to the next event ©La Renaissance le Bessin

The Embruns were also able to count on the generosity of many companies from Port-en-Bessin, Trévières and Bayeux to reward each participant with a prize. Donors so generous that it was possible to enhance the day with a raffle, the profits of which will be used to finance outings during the year.

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Exercise twice a week!

This event, carried out in collaboration with the Siel Bleu association, which works in the health prevention of vulnerable people, is the result of a call for projects launched by the Regional Health Agency (ARS) for physical activity programs and suitable for the elderly.

It is in this context in particular that the Embruns will now offer their residents – as well as several inhabitants of Trévières – one-hour sports sessions twice a week.

Port-en-Bessin nursing home Olympics
The Embruns were also able to count on the generosity of many companies from Port-en-Bessin, Trévières and Bayeux to reward each participant with a prize. ©The Renaissance le Bessin

“It’s cheerful, it’s nice”, says, with a smile on her lips, Raymonde Marc, resident at La Reine Mathilde de Bayeux, at the sight of her sisters and brothers during the snack supervised by API which provides catering to the Spray. . A well-deserved reward, coming to close the activities that could be described as intergenerational, thanks to the families of the players and employees of Les Embruns who joined the party to encourage the elders, and sometimes even give them a little help. tomorrow !

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