The queens of Africa welcomed as heroines yesterday in Bamako */ The State offers 5,000,000 FCFA per player and coach • Malijet

After their brilliant victory in the final of the Afro-basket U-18 2022, on Saturday August 13, 2022 in Madagascar against Egypt, by the score without appeal of 86 to 54, the queens of Africa from Mali were welcomed and acclaimed, yesterday, after their descent from the plane, at the Salamata Maïga Sports Pavilion of the ACI 2000 by the authorities of Mali, the sports movement of Mali, basketball fans, and all the Malian people. Alongside them, the U-18 boys’ Eagles ranked 3rd in their category and returned with the Bronze medal.

The Minister of Youth and Sports, in charge of Civic Education and Citizen Construction, Mossa Ag Attaher; the Minister of Health and Social Development, Diéminatou Sangaré; the Minister of National Education, Sidibé Dedeou Ousmane; the vice-president of the Malian Basketball Federation, Mety Mohamled Ag Rhissa; the representative of the National Olympic and Sports Committee of Mali, Wahab Zoromé; the representative of the official sponsor of Malian basketball, the head of the Institutional Communication and Sponsoring division of Orange-Mali, Ms. Doucouré Fatoumata Sangaré, left to welcome the players. This coronation denotes once again the basic promotion policy of the Malian Baskteball Federation which allows the detection of young talents. This coronation is the 8th continental trophy in the category for Malian basketball in particular and for the Malian people in general.

The National Sports Movement in unison and myself, says Mosa Ag Attaher, are gathered here to celebrate our African champions, to celebrate their brilliant achievement on the occasion of their continental coronation during the 15th edition of the Afro-basket U-18, Madagascar 2022. Indeed, on Saturday August 13, 2022, dear Aiglonnes of Mali, you had, in another sports hall, indicates Minister Attaher, that of Vatofotsy of Tananarive, won the continental title by beating brilliantly and without appeal, your counterparts from Egypt by the score of 86-54, in the final of the Afro basketball U-18 Girls. “By this feat, you have honored your generation, you have honored the youth, you have honored your country and you have honored it in the most beautiful way. I would like, in the name of His Excellency, Colonel Assimi GOÏTA, President of the Transition, Head of State, to congratulate you individually and collectively, to congratulate you for having understood that when we defend the national colors, what is worth is the honor and dignity, and for that, even if it takes our blood, we will go forward, we will go running, we will make Mali “, declared with joy, the Minister of Youth. Before saluting the personal distinction of Maïmouna Haïdara, captain of the team, who was, during the competition, best player and best scorer. This consecration in Madagascar gives the opportunity to U-18 basketball players to represent Mali and Africa at the U-19 World Cup to be held next year in Spain. Already, promises the Minister, I can assure you that everything will be done for a good preparation for this World Cup. This is the place for me, adds Minister Mossa Ag Attaher, to salute the journey of the boys who have not been unworthy with their bronze medal, to encourage them and invite them to more perseverance and self-sacrifice. I congratulate, underlines the Minister, the office of the Malian Basketball Federation which, despite the difficulties and the uncertainties of the moment, works night and day, tirelessly, in a disinterested way to raise Malian basketball to the top of Africa and the world. “To this end, I am announcing that the Government has just granted you incentives, in terms of motivation for these exceptional performances. For gold medalist girls: 5,000,000 F CFA per player and coach. For boys with bronze medals: 1,000,000 F CFA per player and coach “, announced Mossa Ag Attaher.

Ms. Doucouré Fatoumata Sangaré, on behalf of Orange Mali, hailed the coronation of the girls. “It’s a feeling of pride that drives me as a Malian and as a sponsor of Malian Basketball. For us at Orange Mali, this is the reward for all our efforts alongside the Malian Basketball Federation and the teams. I salute the girls for their exceptional performance during the tournament, shining from the beginning to the end of the competition. This coronation of them is also a revenge on the Egyptian team defending champion against Mali. As a Sponsor, we have always been alongside the FMBB. And today, more than ever, it will be an opportunity to strengthen this partnership, to make it evolve and to work hard with the FMBB to still have great victories and bring Mali back to the roof of Africa.“said Ms. Doucouré. It should be noted that the U-18 girls of Mali flew over the tournament from start to finish, beating all the opponents in passing. Mali-Algeria (124-24); Mali-Uganda (100-40); Mali-Madagascar (87-40); Mali-Guinea (117-37); Mali-Angoloa (87-36).


Source: The Republican


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